Neil Gaiman and Tim Ferris’s
You can listen here. One of my favourite parts was when Neil talks about his notebooks and writing his stories long hand because it makes him think differently. It at least got me thinking about handwriting some more of my content before I type it out.
How walls and surveillance affect us
Jessica Wapner in The New Yorker: A few years ago, Tobias Vogt, who studies public health at the University of Groningen, in the Netherlands, decided to investigate whether the fall of the Berlin Wall had extended life expectancy. Vogt compared how long East Germans would have lived if the wall had not fallen with how…
My iPad Productivity Thoughts from 2012
Back in 2012 I was hoping to walk around with an iPad as my main work machine. That’s what I’m living now though my bag is still fairly heavy since I carry so many books around just in case I have time to read.
Thinkpad X210 better than a MacBook?
Geoff has a pretty cool post about his purchase of an old Thinkpad X210. Something very similar to this was my first computer for college as a hand me down from my dad. The MacBook Pro’s are entirely uninspiring. In fact I think they’re a bad investment currently since it seems that you’re fairly likely…
Just a few of the screwed up things Facebook has done
In Mother Jones, yup that’s an Apple News link sorry: ► Facebook’s security chief investigated, as early as the summer of 2016, how the platform was being manipulated by Putin’s minions. Yet as late as April 2017, Facebook still downplayed and scrubbed his analysis of what the Russians had done ► Likewise, Sri Lanka begged…
Freelance Friday 048 – March 29 2019
Good week with some wild temperature fluctuations around here. Almost 20C late in the week but we started closer to 6C at the beginning of the week. You may not see a video next Monday as I’m working on the B-Roll for it. We shall see if I finish it tomorrow at the library. Then…
Diamond Mine or Coal Mine?
This is a great video from Matt D’Avella as he interviews Greg McKeown about essentialism. My favourite part comes near the end as he talks about a coal mine vs a diamond mine and our need to recognize which one we live in.
Why Freelancer’s “help out” bad clients
From Pre-suasion: Several decades worth of research shows that, in general, the more someone needs our help, the more obligated we feel to provide it, the more guilty we feel if we don’t provide it, and the more likely we are to provide it. The best way I’ve found to break this is to have…
Kingston USB C Hub for iPad Pro
Today’s video is a bit about the USB C accessories I use with my iPad Pro to get it all functional. The biggest issue with the whole thing was the crazy short cable on the USB C Hub, which they all seem to have. A short extension cable cleaned that up and got my desk…
140 Characters doesn’t leave much room for kindness
From Ryan Holiday: As we’ve become more polarized and more algorithmically sorted, we care a lot less about the people who think differently than us and put little effort into persuading them. That’s because persuasion is no longer the goal—it’s signaling. And with signaling, it’s vehemence that matters, not quality. Holiday goes on to talk…