Freelance Friday 051 – April 19 2019
Recovery from surgery has been decent, but dang it’s hard to stay focused at work when your 5-year-old is up having an “adventure” in her bedroom until 12:30 at night. Evidently she found fossils and a new dinosaur between us parents going in there and telling her to get in bed and not to jump…
The Time to Create Something Meaningful
From Jerzy Gregorek in Tribe of Mentors Nothing truly meaningful has ever been created in a short period of time. If you learn the story behind any great success, you realize how many years went by and how many hard choices were made to achieve it. That does raise the question: Does your quest for…
What Does It Take to Have a Miracle Morning
Who wouldn’t want to wake up and have the best day they’ve ever had…every day. The thought of waking up and starting your day so that you achieve your maximum potential and can reliably reproduce this effect is appealing isn’t it. That morning that jump starts your day, every day, is what The Miracle Morning…
The Sweet Setup on the BookArc
Yup it looks cool but this stood out to me: At this point, I’m not sure if I’m more productive using only one display while working at home, but I’m certainly not less productive. Josh uses multiple monitors at work and a single at home citing its so easy to “just check” stuff with all…
Yup I Got a Mac Mini, But I’m Not Excited
While the Mac Mini has been upgraded, I’m still not overly excited about the purchase I need to make. My Gear My gear: Patreon: Music:
On the Benefits of Touch for Adults and Kids
I knew about the baby stuff, but not the benefits for adults. An initial small study, published in the journal Pediatrics in 1986, showed that just 10 days of “body stroking and passive movements of the limbs” for less than an hour led babies to grow 47 percent faster. They averaged fewer days in the…
Bullet Journal Goals and Sprints
I feel like I need to review this section of The Bullet Journal Method again, luckily it’s on my shelf. The biggest issue I’ve had with a notebook first (sometimes only) method is tracking bigger projects. I feel like I want to step back and really see everything that’s going on in a week. Not…
Digitally Minimal Android Phone
Cool post on Android and how you can use a different app launcher to make it a minimal phone. This is something you can’t do in the Apple ecosystem and while we used to say that Android was some terrible Wild West of security holes, that’s not really true at all. I said recently that…
LinkedIn for List Growth and Clients
by My friend Philip Morgan did this excellent video on using LinkedIn for getting leads. Not just email leads, but Tom is getting highly qualified leads on LinkedIn. If you’ve been looking for a way to leverage LinkedIn, this is one that’s working.
Freelance Friday 050 – April 12 2019
Well I had minor surgery yesterday so I’m probably laying in bed or on the couch right now reading. No running for me for at least a week, maybe two. Content should go out next week as normal. If you’ve found my content helpful then new in 2019 I’ve opened up a Patreon page. You…