Let’s be Anti-Productivity – 3 Threads 004
This is a reader supported site, if you like the content then become a member. Members get my courses, my book notes and an extra piece of content weekly. Reading Doesn’t Have to Be Productive Western life wants us to optimise everything for productivity and to feel bad if we don’t. This productivity ethic even…
Apple VisionPro – My Final Straw in Tech Enthusiasm
Of course the Apple goggles are a preposterously priced novelty looking for a customer base to validate their existence. Rob Horning I’ve read a few people that are excited about the Apple VisionPro, but a very few because I simply don’t care about it at all. Even with effort I tried to find videos or…
The Deflection of Real Harms in Favour of Future Fake Ones
The AI industry has proven itself incredibly adept at deflecting interest from real harms to hypothetical ones, like the “risk” that the spicy autocomplete will become conscious and take over the world in order to convert us all to paperclips – Hypothetical AI election disinformation risks vs real AI harms In Number Go Up ,…
Automattic WordPress.com and AI
I first saw the news from 404media that Automattic was going to start selling user content to AI companies looking for data. As with most media companies, 404 failed to make the distinction between Automattic/WordPress.com and WordPress.org the open source software. Then I read this post about protecting user choice from Automattic which is big…
Feel Good Productivity – Should You Read It?
Ali Abdaal is a popular YouTube content creator that focuses on productivity and living a good life and his first book is all about helping you be productive without simply grinding harder. Instead Abdaal wants to help readers get stuff done while still taking care of ourselves. He bases much of his thoughts on the…
Choosing Prison over Basic Income (Members)
This content is restricted to users that have purchased Newsletter Supporters or Course Supporters.
You Do it Your Way – 3 Threads – 003
This site is reader supported. Become a member to get my book notes and my courses. When is a Book Done? Right now I’m reading Changer by Matt Gemmell and it’s not going well. The language feels stilted and the characters feel more unbelievable than a book of this type normally should. I mean I…
Wisecrack on Productivity
Excellent video summarizing Puritan Work Ethic and the economic system that pushes us to always optimize our lives and feel bad if we don’t. Also see Manufacturing Happy Citizens for more on these ideas.
One Big Text File Sure Sounds like OrgMode
Reading through Ellane’s look at One Big Text File it seems to me that most of her issues could be solved with OrgMode. You can resurface notes on a set schedule with the Agenda feature. Events are simply headings with dates, and tasks get TODO added to the front of a heading. OrgMode is easy…
OmniFocus 4 is a Very Minor Upgrade
Just as I put everything back in Things 3 after my look at nvim OrgMode, OmniFocus 4 released which meant I needed to dig in to see if the years long development cycle has yielded any changes that changed my opinion from OmniFocus is legacy software to…you should use this app. For OmniFocus 4 the…