Content marketing doesn’t have to be hard, you can master it
Content Marketing is a big buzzword (buzz phrase), and has been for a while. In theory you can write great content for your site and “THEY WILL COME.” Of course if you’ve been at this for a while you realize that when you write stuff you think is awesome, “they” may not come, and even…
Finding a niche is hard — here are 5 questions to help
I’m sure when I tell you that you need to focus your business on a niche, this is not the first time you’ve heard that. It’s likely not even the third, or the fifth time you’ve heard it. If you’ve been at the business game for more than a few weeks you’ve heard it possibly…
6 Things You Need to Run a Successful Business, that Aren’t Doing The Work
You likely started your business because you were good at your job. You could build a website or design well or get more sales for your clients. The thing is that doing the work is only 10% of being awesome at business. Listen to today’s episode to learn about what the other 90% of running…
Want to be more Optimistic? Here are 5 Ways to Cultivate Optimistic Thought
On Tuesday we looked at how businesses so often spin every problem as an ‘opportunity’; and how that thinking alone is slightly off what we want in an organization. We don’t want to minimize the real struggles life throws our way. We want to keep our eyes on the goal, but when the reality we’re…
Why do we call problems opportunities?
My first real full-time web development job had me at a small Christian ministry. That meant despite selling products, we were always reliant on the donations of people who believed in our ministry. This is a hard place to be, because donors are regular people who lose jobs or move on to a new ministry…
How digital tool stop us from making big leaps
In The Shallows it says that knowing lots of stuff is thinking. Because you know a bunch of stuff you have lots of neurons to make connections with. You can pull on your wealth of information and combine disparate facts to come up with new theories. By letting ‘the web’ hold so much of our knowledge…
These 7 Essential Questions will improve your relationships
Everyone is a coach — even you — although it may not say that on your nameplate. You may not have employees, and thus don’t need to coach them to be awesome, but you’re still a coach. You may not be a business coach like me and get paid to help people run an awesome…
Why the best consultants are comfortable with silence
In an interview on The Good Life Project, Sherry Turkle talks about the ‘boring’ parts of conversation. When talking to students she’s found that they want to pull out their phones whenever there is a lull in the conversation. Some of them didn’t even know what a ‘lull’ was, and when it was explained to…
The 3 Legs of a successful business
What does it take to have a successful business? You can not build it and they will come. Are you just running a hobby that sort of pays the bills usually? Today we’re going to talk about the 3 legs of the stool that you need to have in your business. If you’re missing any…
Not all practice is the same, here’s what good practice looks like
We’re regularly told that we should focus on our strengths and let others deal with those things we’re not good at. So we take that advice and delegate that which we’re not good at. The problem here is that so often we train ourselves to equate anything ‘hard’ with something we’re not good at. We…