Teaching Client Skills
When it comes to hiring, soft skills are hard, yet when you’re bringing on a new employee, these are the skills you should be hiring for. An employee who is great at relating to clients is the person everyone wants to get their hands on and this should be on your ideal employee profile. What…
Your Plan to Learn Anything
Can you learn..anything? I think you can if you first care enough then put a strategy in place to gain the skills you want to gain. Here are the steps I take when I want to learn something new.
Are you just going for the easy answers?
When you get questions from clients or customers, do you often default to the answers you’ve used before? I know I have, because it’s easy. A client comes to me and wants a store. They have a few things like books, plus a bit of content that is only available to purchasers. My first thought…
QuickMailer: Send only email
If you’re one of those who complains about email, you need to understand that email doesn’t suck — it’s the way you use it that’s less than optimal. That thing where you have one email to send, and then get sidetracked by all those incoming messages — that’s what sucks. Yeah, I could talk about…
Why do we default to fast?
Why must everything be fast? Why are we looking for continual shortcuts around being in the moment? Do things taste better if you take more time to make them? Speed coffee Making a pot of coffee is a relatively simple process. You grind beans and pour them in the filter. You put water in the…
Reviewing Alternote – Distraction-free markdown with Evernote?
A while ago I talked about how Evernote took over my life, and in that post I talked about Blogo which was pretty cool but had a few holes in it. I dropped Blogo and will cover my specific frustrations with it in a future post. I actually stopped using Evernote for my writing workflow…
Minding your Gaps
Do you know why you price the way you do? Do you know why you run projects that way? Don’t let those holes stick around in your business. Put the time in to figure them out.
Your Ideal Employee Profile
You know you should define your ideal client and filter prospects against that definition. Those ideal prospects are the only ones you want to convert into clients. Sticking to that axiom is going to help you create a business you truly love as you work for people (and on projects) that really get you fired…
Why selling a dream is so much easier
Remember when we talked about selling a dream? Once you get into the habit of selling a dream — as opposed to the actual product or service — your sales process will be so much easier. Think about it your own purchases. Aren’t your quickest and easiest purchases the ones that give you a picture…
7 Ways to Maintain Work-Life Balance
A while ago Jeffro wrote a post about needing to achieve balance. Unfortunately for him, the post was prompted by a discussion he had with his wife about how much time he spent working. Seriously, read the comments in that post. Many of them have awesome suggestions for maintaining balance in your life. Here are…