April 2015 Reading
Wow — I only read one book this month. That’s a great indication of how busy I’ve been this month at home. Very busy. 1. Race Against the Machine Get Race Against the Machine on Amazon. Race Against the Machine, by authors Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee, is a book that explores how the increasing power…
So much has to go right to succeed
Going freelance is not ‘the’ answer for everyone. All your dreams of sitting in a coffee shop daily working on only things you love are just that…dreams. Running a business takes a bunch of work outside of working on things you love and even finding those clients you love is hard.
Does a month of success affect your budget?
@curtismchale Something I don' know if I have seen you(or anyone) blog about: what do you do when you have a really good freelancing month. — Jon Campbell (@joncampbell) April 20, 2015 Prompted by this awesome question, today I’m going to talk about what I do when things go amazing in a particular month. I…
Would you work for yourself?
Many years ago my job was to build sundecks. Well actually, my job was to lay the vinyl coating on sundecks. It was hot work in the summer and freezing cold/wet work in the winter. It was work that took me out dawn till dusk year round. It paid well in the summer when there…
You won’t drift to success
There once was a cruise ship departing from Vancouver bound for Hawaii. It had all the normal things you’d expect on a cruise ship, like pools and food everywhere and a deck to walk around on. It was missing a few crucial things though — like engines or any way to steer it. The owners…
My Writing Workflow
Welcome to the final day in my series on blogging. Today we’re going to talk about my writing workflow. I’ve taken a look at my writing workflow twice before: How Evernote Took Over my Life My Writing Workflow It’s actually changed since those posts were written, even though one is barely a few months old.…
On After Action Reviews
Are you actually sitting down for both good and bad projects and recapping what happened? How about doing it with the client as well? If not you need to be doing that.
Blogging and Quality Content
In an earlier post, we discussed the fear that you’re not a good writer. That’s a totally legitimate fear because if you haven’t done much writing then how on earth are you supposed to be good at it? There is a legitimate fear that self-publishing is going to yield low-quality writing. The simple fact Let’s face…
When You Struggle with Blog Content
Yesterday I gave you a bunch of prompts to prime your writing pump. I could come up with another 100, and while that would help you, it still wouldn’t really give you my ‘secret’ to writing. My secret is start reading — and not just blogs, but full books. So many of my posts start…
Are you writing for your ideal client?
It’s entirely possible that your website simply sucks. As you can tell from the title of this post, today I’m challenging you to look at who you’re writing for on your blog. It could be that you’re writing for your peers, and if so, no client is going to read your blog because it’s not…