CoSchedule Your Editorial Calendar
A while ago I wrote about how I use Coschedule, Revive Old Post, and Buffer to help me tell people about what I write. At the time I didn’t think that any of the tools necessarily justified a separate dedicated post. However, given some of the new features that have been added to CoSchedule, I…
What do we think about serving our clients?
We will server our customers even if that means we send them to another service provider. We want them to be first served best and only secondarily served by us. Sometimes the best thing we can do is tell a prospect that their project is a not profitable bad idea.
The Winning Strategy for Top Sales People
Have you ever ‘lost’ a client? Not in the sense that you did a bad job at a project (be honest, it happens to everyone, including me) but you did a great job for a client. But you check out the site a few years, or maybe even a few months, later and see that…
The One Requirement for Charging Well
A few weeks ago my friend Mario wrote an excellent article on pricing issues and quality in the WordPress space. In summary, my friend Mario says most of the WordPress ‘consultants’ are simply hopping on the bandwagon of a popular CMS but don’t really have the skills to help clients achieve a valid ROI on…
Focus on the Goal Not the Path
A few weeks back I shared that I wanted to grow my business to a $1 million dollar business. That remains my goal and currently my top three strategies to get me there are: Offer more products for sale here. Have clients on conversion-based payments so as they make more, I make more. Get more…
More to Work Than WordPress
At PressNomics 3 in January of this year, Hamid Shojaee gave a great talk about using side projects to learn. In short, Hamid’s team dedicates 30 days a year to build something in a field completely outside of their core technology. Maybe it’s Objective C or Node or something else entirely. When I look around at…
We will find and work with our ideal clients
We will make a profile of our ideal clients and measure prospects against that profile. We will work with only our ideal clients because that’s how we will have successful projects.
Dealing with odd responses to your initial client email
Today we’re back on the subject of vetting clients with initial emails. To see the ground we’ve already covered you can check out the rest of my Client Vetting Series. What if, after sending the initial email questions, the answers you get are…odd? How do you deal with that? Let’s look at some answers I’ve…
Your Business is a By-product of Your Interactions
What makes up your business? Sure you’ve got a public profile on social media and that’s your business. You may have a marketing plan and do some content marketing and that’s your business. Yet these aren’t the things that say the most about your business. By-products Have you ever called your cell phone provider and…
It’s not your problem if they can’t find someone to work with
There are various types of leads you might come across in your business. Some simply have crazy schedule demands you could never meet. Some have crazy expectations and you don’t want to sacrifice your firstborn to meet them. Your firstborn was good today, right? Some have decent budgets and it’s work you used to do,…