What about good WordPress podcasts
A while ago I wrote about the podcasts I think you must listen to. Out of that came a question: What about WordPress podcasts? Yes, I do listen to WordPress podcasts, just not very many of them. I actually subscribe to every consistent one out there. They simply are rarely worth the time spent listening.…
When you say YES to work what does it really mean
I’ve previously written about the importance of NO and how it’s one of the most important productivity and business tools you have. There is a bit more to it than I talked about before if we look at your YES or at least what your YES should be. Looking at your YES First we need…
Get your time back with the proper communication medium
My friend Matt recently wrote a great article about Limiting Yourself. Don’t despair, the second solution is within easier reach. Limit yourself. Limit the number of inboxes you have, limit the amount of data coming into those inboxes and then limit how often you check those inboxes. Do this regularly enough and you’ll spend less…
What on Earth is BeachPress good for?
I’m sitting here, on the third morning of BeachPress, with someone making breakfast for the group. Not much talking is going on as some code, some read, and some just drink enough coffee so they can feel sane. Looking at the group right now, one may wonder what the value of BeachPress is? I mean…
Really email marketing?
You deal with it every day and it’s an awesome sales tool. You probably don’t even realize how awesome it is. And being a heavily technical person (which I know most of my readers are) you may not even really enjoy the flood of it you get each day. Yeah, I’m talking email. email as…
May Reading
I only got through 3 books this month instead of my usual 4 and none of them were business related. Sometimes a mental break is just what you need. 1. Smart Money Smart Kids This is the latest book by Dave Ramsey and I’m a big fan. Getting smart with money got my family to…
Act like the expert you are
Stop right now and ask yourself a question: Why on earth do your clients hire you instead of the next person? Really, why do they hire you? Have you specialized? I wrote about how important specialization is in my series on Becoming a 6 Figure Freelancer. You need to do it to really run a…
The Podcasts I Think You MUST Listen To
For a while now, I’ve been finding that the highest value content I consume most weeks is from podcasts or whichever book I’m currently reading. After mentioning that a few times in Hipchat and on Twitter my friend Jared asked me what my favorite podcasts were. Sure, blogs can be great (heck I write one)…
Client Concerns with Weekly Pricing
After my recent post about Projects that don’t launch I had one of my awesome, current, clients reach out to me with a comment, which I’ll summarize below. As a client I get way less worried about scope/project creep leading to malaise than I do about coding creep leading to budget panic. My ideal would…
Projects That Don’t Launch
A few weeks ago, I wrote about shipping. Actually delivering finished work to clients is 1000000% more important than using the latest cool thing if you want to have a solid business and good referrals. Long projects zap morale. The longer it takes to develop, the less likely it is to launch. – Rework That ‘awesome’…