Budgeting Book Recommendation
If you haven’t read it you should read The Total Money Makeover. If you think the book is out to lunch, you’re not in enough pain yet.
Ideas beget Ideas
A few weeks ago I launched a book that really just crept up on me. I wasn’t planning on writing it really my WordCamp Vancouver presentation script turned in to 16k words in the blink of an eye. And I had a book. I really had no further plans to talk about business or release…
Pride and Pricing
I charge $5000 to have a basic WordPress site designed and built for a client. A basic eCommerce site design and build costs $7000. If there is any real custom work (a bunch of custom post types or author stuff or custom plugins) then prices go up from there. If you have a PSD and…
Developer or Googler?
We all get imposter syndrome sometimes. I’m afraid at least once a week that someone will look at my code or read a blog post and realize that I’m a total fraud and have no idea what I’m doing. One of the things that each developer asks themselves is Am I Really a Developer or…
With alarms blazing, I took a bike ride
It was 4pm and I was supposed to launch my book the next day. WooCommerce was installed but not quite working right locally. It wasn’t even installed on the staging site yet. My base sales copy was written, but had a few @todo notes littered throughout. Stripe wasn’t setup or tested and I wasn’t sure…
Can you learn HTML and CSS and use WordPress?
The question today is will you still learn HTML and CSS if you use WordPress to host your site content.
Your problem is that you’re reading this
This article is about writing fiction but there is a very specific point here that stuck out to me as a business owner and coder. Your problem is that, well, you’re reading a fucking list of writing tips instead of actually writing. We talked about this. That’s your issue, genius. – Matt Gemmell How much…
Big bad mighty ‘might’
How many times has a client come to you with an IDEA but is afraid that someone else will steal it? Sometimes they are even afraid that you are going to steal it. How about yourself how many ideas do you have that you are afraid to talk about because someone might steal it? The…
Juggling Business
When you learn to juggle you start with 1 ball and get comfortable with it. Then you add a 2nd and then a 3rd… I dabbled with juggling in my teens but never got good at using 2 balls even. I’ve been thinking about juggling more and more lately as I think about my business.…
Sub-contracting and client communication
I get ‘flown in’ for team augmentation on a fairly regular basis now. The team has something that’s outside of their regular abilities and it’s right in mine so we work together for a week or two. Out of that I’ve had a few experiences with communication with the clients. Setting the ground rules First…