• Twitter, Jumping the Shark?


    With Twitter’s recent announcement that they don’t want you building new 3rd party Twitter clients nerds everywhere are calling foul. This drastic departure from their previously open stance has caught a few off guard while others think it was an inevitable step in the evolution of Twitter in to a profitable company. While I’m not…

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  • Partial Implementations


    Today I’m going to pick on Echofon simply because it’s the example that I use (and am annoyed by) every day. I love Echofon, the combination of it’s simple interface, keyboard support and useful features make it my go to Twitter client, and that’s doesn’t appear to be changing any time soon. My issue with…

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  • Building Quality WordPress Themes – Theme Check Plugin


    We’re continuing on our topic of writing quality WordPress themes by looking at the Theme Check plugin. Theme check was originally developed to give people writing themes for the WordPress.org repository a way to check their themes for compatibility with the theme review requirements before they uploaded their theme for review. If you’re not aware,…

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  • Motivation It’s Dang Hard


    So I’ve got something to admit, I’ve barely got on my bike in the last two weeks. Sure one week I was sick and swamped at work so I just took it off but that was two weeks ago (Hrm I guess its been 3 weeks). I could blame the snow locally (we have had a…

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  • Fixing LED light interference with your Cycling Computer


    I wrote not long ago about the items you really need to train and judge the results of your training. As I mentioned then both my cycling computer and my heart rate monitor seemed to choose when to work. So I called Sigma to ask about the computer not working. I’ll totally admit that part…

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  • WP e-Commerce Drag and Drop Sorting Bug


    Today we’ll look at a bug (yeah another one) in WP e-Commerce that deals with ajax product sorting. The short story is that if you use the drag and drop sorting of products while viewing all categories you’re screwed. Yeah that’s right you’ll get duplicate products and not all of the products will show up.…

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  • WP e-Commerce – A Theme Developers Nightmare


    update: WP eCommerce has updated to 3.8 which makes things much better. Still a few template issues but we’re on the right track. I’ll certainly try to update with thoughts on the update. This week I’ve worked on 3 different e-commerce projects. Two worked with WP e-Commerce and one with Shopp. Admitely the Shopp work…

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  • A Clean WP e-Commerce Theme


    If you’ve ever worked with WP e-Commerce themes you know the code is pretty terrible. Not only can you not include the template files in your normal WordPress theme and have them work, the code is duplicated all over the place. Want to change the purchase button? Well you need to edit single_product.php, product_list.php, list_view.php…

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  • WordPress 3.1 New Features


    Today we’ll go over some of the new features in WordPress 3.1 like the new Network Admin menu, the Snack Bar Plugin, internal linking, and Post Formats. For a full list of features visit WordPress.org [podcast format=”video”]http://blip.tv/file/get/Curtismchale-WordPress31NewFeatures436.mov[/podcast]

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  • Push, a Productivity Killer


    As a person that runs my own business that has one employee (me) I’ve become painfully aware of the fact that I only earn money when I’m actually working, I trade my time for pay. I don’t have any viable means of earning residual income, it’s just a straight up trade. With that fact sitting…

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