• Billings Review – It’s Close but Not Quite


    Edit:We had a server mishap so the images are missing and we’ll get back to them at some point. One of the first things any new freelancer (or anyone who’s put it off) is to nail down your estimating/invoicing workflow. If you can’t get an estimate out you can’t get a project, if you can’t…

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  • Getting and Staying Hydrated


    Inspired by this thread I figured I’d share a trick I use to drink water regularly. Like many people today I have a job that doesn’t really demand much of my physically. I sit at my desk all day and type or click a mouse and that’s about the extent of my physical activity during…

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  • Beginner Racing


    I’ve finally decided to jump in to the world of racing. I’m not sure if I’ve ever mentioned that this won’t actually be my first time racing bicycles this is just my first time racing on the road. In my younger years ( 12 − 20 ) I raced cross country mountain bikes in Ontario…

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  • WordPress Screen Options


    Today we’ll look at a WordPress feature that many people just don’t know about. In all honesty I didn’t know about it till WordPress 3.0 came along and I wanted to add class names to my menus. There are lots of ways to clean up your dashboard and post editing screen and lots of ways…

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  • Drawing a Line with Social Media


    It’s not news to anyone that social media is everywhere. We’re all on Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Foursquare, Gowala…at what point does it all this sharing of our life become too much? How much do we let our personal and business life become intertwined? This is an especially poignant question for freelancers who do business under…

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  • Twitter, Jumping the Shark?


    With Twitter’s recent announcement that they don’t want you building new 3rd party Twitter clients nerds everywhere are calling foul. This drastic departure from their previously open stance has caught a few off guard while others think it was an inevitable step in the evolution of Twitter in to a profitable company. While I’m not…

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  • Partial Implementations


    Today I’m going to pick on Echofon simply because it’s the example that I use (and am annoyed by) every day. I love Echofon, the combination of it’s simple interface, keyboard support and useful features make it my go to Twitter client, and that’s doesn’t appear to be changing any time soon. My issue with…

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  • Building Quality WordPress Themes – Theme Check Plugin


    We’re continuing on our topic of writing quality WordPress themes by looking at the Theme Check plugin. Theme check was originally developed to give people writing themes for the WordPress.org repository a way to check their themes for compatibility with the theme review requirements before they uploaded their theme for review. If you’re not aware,…

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  • Motivation It’s Dang Hard


    So I’ve got something to admit, I’ve barely got on my bike in the last two weeks. Sure one week I was sick and swamped at work so I just took it off but that was two weeks ago (Hrm I guess its been 3 weeks). I could blame the snow locally (we have had a…

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  • Fixing LED light interference with your Cycling Computer


    I wrote not long ago about the items you really need to train and judge the results of your training. As I mentioned then both my cycling computer and my heart rate monitor seemed to choose when to work. So I called Sigma to ask about the computer not working. I’ll totally admit that part…

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