Four Months a Year on Social Media
Well only if you count it as 8-hour work days, but still that’s crazy. I deleted social media from my phone years ago and have never missed it. I’m still on the fence about just leaving social media all together and using any time I’d spend on that to write/read or hang out with my…
Josh on Modern Day File Storage
From Josh: Where you save the file won’t matter. What you name the file won’t matter. The file type won’t matter. When you last saved the file won’t matter. What will matter is your ability to use keywords to search for contents in the file. What will matter is your ability to use artificial intelligence…
Smart Lists in Apple Reminders
In iOS 15 Apple revamped lists to give you more options in the way of making Smart Lists. These are lists that are populated based on search and filtering parameters that you can set. Creating a Smart List in Apple Reminders To create a Smart List, click the Add List button in the bottom left…
Jamie’s list of books from 2022
I grabbed a few of the recommendations from Jamie and happened to have a few on my shelf already.
Track Diversity in Your Reading
If you’re looking for a book tracker then Bookish Brews has one that helps you track the diversity of the authors you’re reading. I’ve bookmarked this to see about adding it to my own Obsidian book tracking system.
I’m on Christmas Holiday – No PKM Weekly
Take a break.
The Folly of Sidewalk in Toronto
A shorter one today as I’m on holiday but I finished a book called Sideways: The City Google Couldn’t Buy. Here are some things that stuck out to me. First, we always want to look for the “sexy” innovations instead of doing what has been established as working1. We see this as we plan roads…
If you want to sell books…you must love books
Great article on the turn-around of Barnes & Nobel. Thanks to Matt for pointing the article out to me.
Homelesness is a Housing Problem
From The Atlantic: In their book, Homelessness Is a Housing Problem, the University of Washington professor Gregg Colburn and the data scientist Clayton Page Aldern demonstrate that “the homelessness crisis in coastal cities cannot be explained by disproportionate levels of drug use, mental illness, or poverty.” Rather, the most relevant factors in the homelessness crisis…
One Reason I Write
From Ness Labs: Anytime you struggle to write about something you just read, watched, or listen, make sure to take the time to understand properly. The fact that you’re struggling to express it in your own words often means you haven’t completely grasped the new idea. This is one reason I write, because I’m not…