Apple has an upsell polishing cloth?
Josh found out that you may need the $20USD polishing cloth for your nano texture display because the one included with his computer that he ordered with the nano texture doesn’t work on the computer it came with. This is baffling to me. If Apple has a proper cloth for the display it should come…
Shop Talk on Developer Relations
Shop Talk 639 was a good episode, I specifically enjoyed the discussion of the usability of software for developers. This is everything from how the syntax highlighting works in your editor, to documentation. Laravel improved their DX recently by rolling out after Theo had some issues getting Laravel up and running locally. DX is…
How to Name Your Computer
While some people have standard names for their devices and others have complex mystical naming schemes I’m a pragmatic person when it comes to names. My current laptop is a Framework 13″ which had the swappable mainboard upgraded a few months back which makes this computer 2024-08-12-fedora-framework because that’s the day I installed the operating…
Fedora 40 to 41 Upgrade
I bit the bullet this week and updated my laptop from Fedora 40 – 41. Outside of needing to reinstall goodhosts for VVV to work, the update is flawless. I continue to be happy with my switch from macOS to Fedora and have even repurposed my Mac Studio to a media center PC on the…
PC handheld as your main computer
Wulff Den did a video 6 months ago using a PC Handheld gaming system as his only computer for a week. This reminds me of people ditching their computer for an iPad Pro, yes it’s possible but there are lots of silly hoops you have to jump through to make it work as a “work”…
Terminal RSS with Newsboat
I’ve been falling in love with the simplicity of terminal based apps lately and that started in part with Newsboat the terminal based RSS reader I’ve been using for a few months. I’ve already written a short post about setting up Newsboat with Nix Home Manager but wanted to take a deeper dive into the…
2 Amazing Site Retro Pixel Themes
I love the look of both localghost and nicchan. I’d love to use nescss for one of my sites in the future. I love that the look of the web is trending fun again instead of the stale cookie cutter version we’ve had for a long time now.