ReadItLater – Obsidian Plugin
After last week’s look at some read later services I had a bunch of suggestions including the Obsidian ReadItLater plugin. To test this out you need to go to Obsidian settings then Community Plugins where you can search for and active this plugin. Usage Unlike the Obsidian Web Clipper you don’t use an external tool…
Read what others aren’t but recommend the same shit
So Darius recommends reading books that others aren’t which meant I was interested in his reading list. Unfortunately for each category I was already familiar with he recommends pretty much the same books everyone else recommends. This only serves to devalue his recommendations in categories I’m not familiar with because they are also unlikely to…
Default Apps update for 2024
You can find my default apps list from 2023 here and there aren’t many changes so I’ll only highlight those few apps that did change. Outside of settling on a read later service I don’t anticipate any changes.
Your time, increased consumption and collection without compensation – 3 Threads
This is brought to you by members, become one to keep the content coming. I’m continuing the look through my old notes to find topics to write about because you need to spend time working your old notes if you really want your note system to be useful. How People Treat Your Time the people…
I need beginner learning recommendations for programming?
I’ve got someone that is interested in online work but has no real prior experience. Some options I’m aware of are: Do you have other options? The person is close enough that I’d put time into supporting their learning if they put in the effort.
If you don’t own your domain you own nothing
Manuel on not liking Substack. The first reason is that it’s incredibly easy to get started on Substack and also very easy to get going but most non-tech savvy people don’t realise that by not owning their domain name they don’t really own anything. If you run your publication on Substack using a subdomain, Substack…
Does Bullet Journal Let You Prioritize Tasks?
This video is a good summary of the Franklin Covey Planner system, with the big highlight for the creator being that unlike her Bujo practice, she’s able to prioritize her tasks with the Franklin Covey system. I wrote about how I modified the Bullet Journal System to suit better monthly and weekly planning. I also…
The Re-reading project
What if you spent a year re-reading the books you thought were your favourites? I’ve often thought of some rule like this for a year of reading. I always end up reading what seems interesting though which often lends itself towards more recent books. I have re-read my Brandon Sanderson collection a few times. I…
The Content Production Trap
Peter McKinnon has a good video executing content. I’ve fallen into this over the last few months, stopped making content then kept finding reasons to not make content. I’m trying to set aside time every Friday to get a video out the door.
Humans are bad at long-term thinking
Great article from Joan Imagine a different bet: You can have $1 million today, or you can have a penny that doubles every day for 100 years. Your great-grandchildren will curse your name if you take the million. This isn’t just a math problem — it’s how modern society handles long-term thinking. We’re collectively taking the million…