Monetization Christmas Miracle at YouTube
A few days ago I was one of the many people that did something to support a creator that YouTube demonetized and wouldn’t communicate with. Well she’s back and that’s good and all, but damn YouTube is broken. You have to have a big enough channel go viral and get lots of complaints for YouTube…
Performative Reading
This was a good video about the pressure of reading, at least for those with a YouTube channel that is all about books. I’m writing more about reading for 2025 tomorrow, but just do what you want. Read the books you’re interested in and read as much, or as little as you want. My best…
Never rely on money from YouTube
This story is exactly why I will never rely on money from YouTube. The byzantine rube goldberg machine process required to still never get answers is terrible, but since YouTube has no viable competitors they can keep being crappy to creators and not suffer any consequences of their actions. Yes I’ll keep making videos and…
People and Blogs by Manuel
Latest entry in People & Blogs by Manuel. I only recently came across this site so didn’t realize it was a recurring series of posts but I love it. I’ve been recently thinking about how to increase the other writers/sites I highlight and this might be a good idea I can riff on to help…
And now I own a Yacht
Back in 2014 the billionaire Nick Hanauer appealed to other 0.01%ers to support raising the minimum wage to $15/hour because it would promote equality. Sitting 10-years later I can’t look at the article as anything but laughable in that it tries to sound reasonable and appeal to rich people and at the same time sound…
Crushing Someone Else’s Site with Traffic
Manu wrote about a Hacker News traffic spike and then wondered about the cost affect a link could have to other sites. I’d love to reassure Manu that if he linked to my site and real people visited I’d be happy to pay some extra to my hosting company for some real possibly interested traffic.…
Is Substack so Bad? – 3 Threads
Want to support my writing, share it. Put a link on your blog or share it on social media. Write it on a postcard and leave it at your local coffee shop. Note: Not 3 threads today but one longer piece. Regular programming should resume. Prompted by this very reasonable sounding podcast with the CEO…
Massive Brandon Sanderson Books
As I write 2000 words on something far more serious for tomorrow this was a great break between writing and editing. I’m a big Sanderson fan and have the latest book to read over my Christmas break, if not before when I finish my current fiction read, Howling Dark. I always enjoy NerdForge as do…
Book Review – Clear Thinking by Shane Parrish
I don’t remember when I first stumbled across Farnham Street but I do remember finding the content very helpful in my journey to be a life-long learner. Thus when I saw Clear Thinking by Shane Parrish I grabbed it hoping for the same feeling of great wisdom being imparted. Parrish wrote this book to help…
No Phone trip with your Dad
This was a super cute trip without phones to the northern most tip of Vancouver Island. I really like the idea of no phone, which we’re planning to do a few days of over the Christmas break.