Craft vs Obsidian: Which is the right tool for you?
I use two main tools for my note-taking systems. First, I use Obsidian for my own notes on books and research. Second, I use Craft for taking notes on home projects or bike parts, or other things that feel more visually oriented to me. Today I’ll tell you what I like about both of them…
PKM Weekly for February 6 2022 – Issue 005
Welcome to the PKM weekly newsletter. My goal is to round up good resources in the PKM space so you don’t have to. You can get this in your inbox by signing up. If you get value out of this newsletter consider supporting it by becoming a member. You can either get my weekly thoughts…
Talking Notes with Justin DiRose
Justin and I talked about our note systems, taking time off, and even how economic policy is enforced through violence. You can find Justin at the links below: Justin’s site: Effective Remote Work: Effective Remote Work YouTube:… Justin on Twitter:
Goals Shouldn’t Make You Feel Good
Most people have goals that make them feel good because they want to be the type of person that has accomplished something. These goals are perfect in their imagination but they rarely put them into action. They say they want to write a book, but really they simply want to have written a book they…
Publish Obsidian Documents to WordPress
My site runs on WordPress so when I saw an integration between my preferred writing tool Obsidian and WordPress, I was intrigued. Today we’ll take a look at the integration. Setup To start you’ll need to go to the plugins menu and search for WordPress. Then install and activate the plugin in Obsidian. Then you’ll…
Connect Todoist with Craft
Craftist is a fairly powerful Craft and Todoist extension. It will allow you to control your tasks in Todoist from inside Craft. Setting up Craftist Once you have the extension installed you’ll need to do is to get your API token from Todoist and add it to Craft. To find this open your Todoist preferences…
PKM Weekly for January 30 2022 – Issue 004
Welcome to the PKM weekly newsletter. My goal is to round up good resources in the PKM space so you don’t have to. If you want to support the newsletter, check out my coaching before it closes. I’ll help you build a system that produces something instead of just taking notes. You can also get…
Cozy Research – Livestream Jan 24 2022
Couldn’t record last week due to some tooth pain so I decided to add a stream this week. Watch as I answer some questions about research and work on my PKM Weekly newsletter.
PKM Weekly Jan 23 – Issue 003
Welcome to the PKM weekly newsletter. My goal is to round up good resources in the PKM space so you don’t have to. If you get value out of this newsletter consider supporting it by becoming a member. You can either get my weekly thoughts or all my courses and my weekly thoughts. You could…
Forget the American Dream – The New Better Off
When you think of being “better off” what is it that springs to mind? Do you think of homeownership, that white picket fence, and all the other trappings that come with the American Dream? The New Better Off by Courtney E. Martin is all about how people are changing their mindset away from generations past…