6 Months with the Magic Keyboard
When Apple introduced the [Magic Keyboard](https://amzn.to/2DC81ZG) I was excited, and sceptical. Sure it looked like an awesome piece of kit for my iPad, but at the same time it’s almost $500 Canadian. That’s a huge price tag for a keyboard with a trackpad that’s limited to use with a single device. A device that has…
Barking Up The Wrong Tree
The goal of Barking Up the Wrong Tree, Eric Barker gives away the goal of the book. Barker is going to show us why what we know about success is mostly wrong. There is a lot in this book, so I wont’ be able to cover it all. I’ll highlight some of the ideas that…
Forget the Niche, Where is Your Passion – Friday Notes 124
> I never liked studying when it was forced on me in school. Now that I get to study what I want though, I read far more than I did. That is a key, getting to work on what you find interesting. I don’t think that anything I do is too complex for anyone to…
Things 3 Scribble Support on iOS 14
[Scribble](https://support.apple.com/en-ca/guide/ipad/ipad355ab2a7/ipados) is a new iOS 14 feature that brings the apple pencil new powers for these that love handwriting. Today I’ll only be looking at how [Things 3 supports Scribble](https://culturedcode.com/things/blog/). I don’t think that Scribble will greatly increase my Apple Pencil use, but it’s nice to have for any user that is using their Apple…
3 Thoughts from Deep Work by Cal Newport
This is my third reading of Deep Work by Cal Newport. During my first reading of Deep Work I remember being excited because someone was finally saying all the things I’d been thinking and circling around in my productivity life for a few years. While I don’t get that same feeling when I read it…
Apple Doesn’t Want Me to Watch Content I’ve Purchased – Friday Notes 123
> If I’m your audience, and I’ve spent a thousand bocks on my movie library, I don’t want to have to throw away that investment. I want to be able to use one family of devices and one program to manage my movies. [^1] I stopped purchasing video content or music from Apple a few…
Last Gravel Ride on my MEC Cote
Since I had a new Felt Broam coming, I decided to enjoy one last fall day on the older gravel bike. I may still ride it, but likely not on any bigger gravel rides. Enjoy the last day where I cheer on friends in a race, ride, then cheer another friend on in the same…
Strong Towns & Financially Insolvent American Cities
This upcoming series looks fascinating. My wife and I are in a battle over a second car, which would mosty be for my use transporting kids to things. I don’t want one, and she thinks we need one. I think we simply are trying to avoid a tiny amount of inconvienence.
Ideal Day Overload
Love Peter’s distinction between an ideal day and a real day around the 8:00 mark. We usually try to have ideal days and then fault ourselves when they don’t happen. Try to plan for a real day instead.
Automating My Content Calendar in Things 3
As I’ve looked around at different task managers and settled on Things 3 as my first option to test out, I realized I was giving up my [TickTick Content Calendar](https://curtismchale.ca/2020/08/03/build-a-content-calendar-with-ticktick). That meant it was time to do some automation to use Drafts, Things 3 and Calendar to get a content calendar that is automated for…