Tag: Apple
The Ultimate ThinkPad?
Great video on upgrading an older ThinkPad to something highly usable today. Also props to this guy for keeping that older MacBook Pro running for so long. Goes to show you that with a bit of effort you can take “old” tech and make it very useful today. We don’t need to chase the newest…
The M4 iPad Pro is Faster
So the new iPad Pro is faster and has a better screen and is thinner. All things I would expect for an incremental upgrade. Reading further through the reports about the iPad I see nothing that makes it a compelling purchase to replace my M1 iPad Pro. I bet I’ll still have issues with some…
The iPad isn’t a Mac
Jason Snell speaking about the reveal of what would become the M series chips in the iPad Pro: But that boast also drew the iPad into direct comparisons with PC laptops, and while its sheer hardware power might have defeated most of those laptops, power isn’t everything. It’s what you do with the power. And…
The Global North’s Erroneous Infatuation with it’s Superiority
The Global North has many erroneous views, but one that’s been sticking with me lately is it’s superiority view of business models. We have the false view that we are the leaders in all fields all the time and that anything not invented in the Global North, often limited entirely to the US, is not…
Apple VisionPro – My Final Straw in Tech Enthusiasm
Of course the Apple goggles are a preposterously priced novelty looking for a customer base to validate their existence. Rob Horning I’ve read a few people that are excited about the Apple VisionPro, but a very few because I simply don’t care about it at all. Even with effort I tried to find videos or…
macOS and 27″ 4k Screens
Matt’s quick tangent on 4k screens is right up my alley. Rewind a few years to when the Studio Display released and there was a very frustrating conversation at the time about what “real Mac users” demand from a display. There were countless podcasts and blog posts about how a 4K 27″ monitor may be…
Birchtree with a balanced view of AI stock tanking
Like Matt says, yesterday I got a bit of a smile on my face as I dreamed of the AI hype machine dying so quickly after it started as I watched stocks tumble. No I didn’t read the articles that were linked to, I just looked at “stock goes down” and thought “AI = failing”.…
Vision Pro Weight
Prompted by John at Daring Fireball saying that the Apple Vision Pro was heavy I wondered exactly how heavy my bike helmet was. My helmet is about 280g while the Vision Pro is between 600-650g. So it’s about 3x heavier than my bike helmet and the weight is entirely loaded on the front of your…
Brent Simmons – Corporations Are Not To Be Loved
In response to Apple’s policies on external purchase for AppStore apps Brent has this to say. But I need to remember, now and again, that Apple is a corporation, and corporations aren’t people, and they can’t love you back. You wouldn’t love GE or Exxon or Comcast — and you shouldn’t love Apple. It’s not an…
iPad for 2024
Currently I use two iPads. I have a M1 12.9” iPad Pro 1TB and an iPad Mini 6 256GB. These iPads hold two different spaces in my computing life. My iPad Pro is where I do much of my writing and note-taking. It’s attached to an external monitor and a keyboard much of the time.…