Tag: blogging
An interview with @amerpie
I enjoyed the behind the scenes look with Lou. In general I enjoy the series of blogger interviews.
Robert Breen – why keep a blog
Robert goes over why he keeps a blog. I still think a blog is great for your career. I’ll be writing more about technical stuff on my business site/blog because I’m learning more about Laravel and Python and want to branch out from WordPress stuff.
Blog Questions 2024
Jumping on Kev and Manuel, here are my answers. Why did you start blogging in the first place The oldest post here comes from 2008 when I thought I was a decent designer and made some Photoshop brushes. I had blogged a bit before that on WordPress.com, but those posts are gone. I started blogging…
People and Blogs by Manuel
Latest entry in People & Blogs by Manuel. I only recently came across this site so didn’t realize it was a recurring series of posts but I love it. I’ve been recently thinking about how to increase the other writers/sites I highlight and this might be a good idea I can riff on to help…
You Don’t have to POSSE with your Blog
POSSE says to publish your thoughts on a property you control like your blog and then syndicate elsewhere. It’s what I do here, but I’m on social media so it’s not an extra thing I need to worry about doing or an extra place I need to interact when I publish my content to Mastodon…
Chris – Blogs are for Humans
I agree with Chris the more of the writer is in the blog the more I’m interested. Yes I want to hear about your golf weekend with kids, or your struggle with technology or your garden. Yes I do want to read your longer writing that more philosophical. I want to read interesting things from…
Blogging challenges for November
Lou shared some blogging challenges for November. Could I write 9,000,000 or more words this month?
I’d Rather Hear about it on your Blog
Dave Winer celebrating 30 years of blogging and all the nice messages he’s been getting. I appreciate all of the messages, but would appreciate them even more if they were on your blog. We need to keep using the tech. Blogging is kind of lost, and I would like to see that change. Every time…
Seth Goldstein – Own your content
After 36 frozen hours on Linkedin Seth reminds us that we should own our content. I am continually dumbfounded when people share this type of thing as I’ve been saying you should own your content for over 10 years now. After the continual screw ups of platforms, from supporting Nazi’s at Substack to the dumpster…