Tag: rss
Makoism – Excellent new site I found
Wasn’t familiar with Makoism until today but flipping through the weekly posts I found lots of great other content to read so this is now in my RSS rotation.
Let’s be Anti-Productivity – 3 Threads 004
This is a reader supported site, if you like the content then become a member. Members get my courses, my book notes and an extra piece of content weekly. Reading Doesn’t Have to Be Productive Western life wants us to optimise everything for productivity and to feel bad if we don’t. This productivity ethic even…
Unread for macOS Testflight Beta
Unread has a TestFlight beta for macOS. Unread has been my RSS reader of choice for iPadOS and iOS for years and now they’re coming out with a macOS version that you can try. I’ve been using it for a few hours and while there are some features I miss, I don’t see a way…
Unread Updates for Stage Manager
No this isn’t a big update for Unread, but it’s a fast responsive update. Just a week ago I reported that the default keyboard command to toggle the read status of an article conflicted with the iPadOS 16 Stage Manager controls. Well July 22 2022 Unread released 3.0.2 and changed the keyboard commands around. I…