
  • Were Cars a Mistake?


    From Nathan Heller in The New Yorker: In America today, there are more cars than drivers. Yet our investment in these vehicles has yielded dubious returns. Since 1899, more than 3.6 million people have died in traffic accidents in the United States, and more than eighty million have been injured; pedestrian fatalities have risen in…

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  • I Too Am an Introvert


    This point from Lisa really resonates with me: Or (this is a biggie) I get overwhelmed when I have hours left to socialize when I really just want to leave NOW, go home, and read my book alone. I’m the guy at many parties sitting by himself in an obscure corner of the place quietly…

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  • How Joe Casabona Stays Organized


    You should read the whole post but what stuck out to me was the hybrid analogue and digital tools he uses. He says he uses and needs both. I’m 99% analogue for my personal organization of tasks. I use Trello with clients, and am dabbling with Github Issues/Projects/Milestones as an alternative. Every so often I…

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  • How Many Apps Can Interrupt You?


    From Mike at The Sweet Setup: When you launch a new app on your iPhone, 90% of the time the first thing you see is a request to allow notifications. More often than not, the default is “yes.” Don’t believe me? Go into your Settings right now, tap Notifications, and count how many apps have…

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  • For the Love of a Bookstore


    Very much enjoyed this piece about Brazenhead, a bookstore that was in New York. I have a local used bookstore, and while it’s not quite the same thing as a late night party, it’s a place I cherish. I head in almost weekly and come home with 2 or on occasion 20 books. I certainly…

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  • Feeling Safe on Your Bike


    Enjoyed this comic about feeling safe on a bike. My city is pretty good with bike lanes, though none are fully seperated from the roadway. We do have a few walking/bike only paths that are going through the city and they’re looking better and better. I could now travel about 1km from my house and…

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  • Reasons to Purchase Physical Books


    I don’t love every item on this list, but overall I do read more physical books than Kindle books now. This wasn’t always the case, about 8 years ago I took almost every physical book I owned down to the local used bookstore and turned them in for credit. $400 in credit to be precise.…

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  • The Obsession With Early Success


    Your life and career were supposed to have a steady linear timeline. Finish high school, go to college, get your degree, land your first real job, get married, work hard, get noticed, move up steadily, buy a home, start a family, get promoted into management, make more money, and so on until you eventually retired…

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  • The Best Solution Is the Simplest and Oldest Sometimes


    From Mark We live in a world of nearly endless options for productivity and writing software. Personally, I’ve tried many. But sometimes the best solution is one of the simplest and oldest. For me, that solution was “downgrading” to plain text files as my primary means for note-taking, writing, knowledge management and life organization. I’ve…

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  • The More I Write My Thoughts


    From Joe: The more I write out my thoughts, the more I understand myself and the more I want to write out my thoughts. I too journal my thoughts on the day in my Bullet Journal. Sometimes it’s intimate, sometimes it’s me saying I wish I could read more without needing to do “billable” hours…

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