Month: December 2017

  • I don’t want you to have a 6-figure income


    I want to be clear, I say I want to help you build a 6-figure business not because the 6-figures is what’s important. I don’t care about the dollars you earn, I care about the parent and husband and wife you can be. I want you to have a business that allows you to hang…

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  • Sure blogging is great, but I need some tips to get started


    It’s no secret that I write, and write a bunch. I’m going to end 2017 with around 215k words published in some fashion. Some of them are scripts that got turned into videos. Some of it turned into three different books. But most of it was given away free on my site. Over the years…

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  • Scott’s Best Reading of 2017


    I’m a reader, and that shouldn’t surprise you. My friend Scott published his list of the best things he’s read in 2017. I also read Perennial Seller1, and The ONE Thing2 in 2017 and concur, they are must read books. The rest of his list is new to me, but is now on my list…

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  • Do you view opportunities as a child or as an adult?

    Do you view opportunities as a child or as an adult?


    Children expect opportunities to be handed to them; maturity is understanding you have to go out and make them. – Perennial Seller I’ve said before that if you’re struggling with contractors it’s probably your fault. That good consultants take control. To stop trying to blame your screw up on something the client did. I’ve told…

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  • Ask Better Questions


    Very interesting podcast about asking better questions. One cool note is that the guest uses a system just like my Mullet Method Of Deep Work. I’d love to hear from more people about heir use of a similar system. Listen and learn about questions

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  • What Makes You Ready for a 5-Figure Freelance Client?

    What Makes You Ready for a 5-Figure Freelance Client?


    If he waits for a job to be good enough to deserve his best shot, it’s unlikely that he’ll ever have that job – Linchpin This is Seth Godin talking about a grocery store clerk he calls Steve. Steve shows up and does the job, but phones it in. If Steve is waiting for a…

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  • What is the most in demand freelance skill that will remain in demand?

    What is the most in demand freelance skill that will remain in demand?


    So you’re looking at freelancing and want to know what the most in demand freelance skill is. I get it. You want to do something that people will find valuable and continue to find valuable. Something that will last for years so you can become a specialist and charge well. PHP is quite popular and…

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  • Do you step forward and do something or tweet about it?


    Short thoughtful post from Patrick Rhone about doing stuff instead of just watching it happen. They didn’t have to do that. It wasn’t their responsibility. Though it was a pain in the ass, the employees would have taken care of it. The women could have just minded their own mess. Go read it

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  • Is your Mind Fertile Soil?

    Is your Mind Fertile Soil?


    We’re getting closer to the end of the year, what are the things you struggled with this year? What is your plan for 2018 to fill those gaps? In this show we’ll talk about: The best books of 2016 I just released A quote from a friend’s new book The Success Grower The question about…

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  • Ryan Holiday’s Advice on What it Takes to Build Something that Sells Forever

    Ryan Holiday’s Advice on What it Takes to Build Something that Sells Forever


    The dream of every creative is to do some work that lives on forever. Work that is referred to in the annals of their industry as a defining work. Something that continues to sell, more and more as the years go on. To build a perennial seller. That’s exactly what Ryan Holiday’s book, Perennial Seller,…

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