Category: Apps

  • Using Craft to Organize a SkillShare Course

    Using Craft to Organize a SkillShare Course


    Today I’m going to give you a tour of how I used [Craft]( to build my [Getting Started with Zettelkasten]( course on Skillshare.

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  • Using Craft to Take Notes on Books

    Using Craft to Take Notes on Books


    Today we’ll take a look at how I use [Craft]( to take notes on books. Specifically, I’ll show you how I work to connect notes in my Zettelkasten system.

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  • Craft Notes and Data Portability

    Craft Notes and Data Portability


    One of the questions I’ve been asked many times as I’ve switched from [Obsidian]( to [Craft]( is what is the data portability scenario in Craft? Obsidian was simple markdown files thus it had high portability. Craft has a fancy format to deal with, so how does it work? Overall, data portability is high. If you…

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  • Feeding my Research Habits with DEVONthink and Craft

    Feeding my Research Habits with DEVONthink and Craft


    Today we’re going to take a look at how I get research into [my Zettelkasten system]( Specifically, what types of inputs do I prioritize for which types of information. Yes, I look at different resources for programming, researching sports watches or for general knowledge. First, the two tools I use are [DEVONthink]( to hold all…

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  • Obsidian “to read” Dashboard

    Obsidian “to read” Dashboard


    A recent version of [Obsidian]( brought us a great new `query` parameter. Today I’ll show you how you can use it to build a dashboard to track the books that you want to read.

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  • What’s new in Craft 1.2.6

    What’s new in Craft 1.2.6


    Today we’ll take a look at the new features in Craft 1.2.6 which updated over the weekend. [Download Craft Notes](

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  • 2021 Hybrid Productivity Setup

    2021 Hybrid Productivity Setup


    We’re already a good bit into 2021, so it’s time to share my hybrid productivity system. There are advantages to digital and analogue tools in managing your tasks and while many people try to push a boundary that stays permanently between these differing systems, I decided late in 2020 to stop making this artificial boundary.…

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  • Getting Started with Zettelkasten Course Launched


    I’ve talked about it a bit as I’ve worked on it but…my [Getting Started with Zettelkasten Course]( launched on Skillshare. If you’ve been looking to get started with a research system you can see what I’ve been doing.

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  • What’s new in Obsidian January 2021


    I did my monthly recap of the new features in Obsidian for [Keep Productive]( Check out the rest of Francesco’s work if you’re into productivity.

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  • AirBuddy Makes macOS Play Nice with AirPods

    AirBuddy Makes macOS Play Nice with AirPods


    While the iOS interfaces for connecting with your H1 equipped headphones is excellent, the macOS interface is neglected. This is where [AirBuddy]( steps in to drastically improve how your AirPods or PowerBeat Pro headphones interact with macOS.

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