Category: Book Reviews
Basic Income for Canadians by Evelyn L. Forget
What is Basic Income, and what does it mean in the context of Canada? This is what Evelyn L. Forget wants to tackle in her book titled Basic Income for Canadians1. She says that basic income is money provided to people without condition2. There needs to be no requirement for working a certain number of…
First Break All the Rules by Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman
I recently became the manager of a small web development team. While I’ve managed freelancer’s off and on for 10 years, this is my first experience digging in with the same people over the long haul. Of course I asked for some reading suggestions from experienced managers and one of the first recommendations was First…
Strong Towns by Charles Marohn
For a while now I’ve been wanting to read more about what makes a strong town from an infrastructure and layout perspective. Based on the recommendation of theNot Just Bikes YouTube Channel, I’m starting my reading with Strong Town by Charles Marohn because the Strong Towns organization seems to be one of the leaders in…
Love Lives Here by Amanda Jette Knox
Back when I requested some books from a transgender perspective this memoire called Love Lives Here by Amanda Jette Knox was recommended by my local bookstore. It follows a family, written from the mother’s perspective, as first her daughter transitions to who she truly is. Then the final bit looks at the transition of her…
Normal Sucks by Jonathan Mooney
We all easily succumb to the lie that there is a thing called normal. The institutions and systems that we interact with help enforce this as we navigate the world[^4]. Learning to forget about what “normal” is and moving to a sense of self that is happy with who you are is what Jonathan Mooney…
Books in/out March 2021
## Books In – [A World without Email]( – [Earth is Hiring]( – [Elderhood]( – [I’ll Be Seeing You]( – [Cynical Theories]( – [Critical Path]( – [Open Heart, Open Mind]( – [Stolen Continents]( – [Reading in the Brain]( – [Returning to the Teachings]( – [Life as Sport]( – [Grit]( – [Knife of Dreams]( – [A…
Why We Can’t Sleep by Ada Calhoun
I have no idea where I found Why We Can’t Sleep by Ada Calhoun and decided it was a book for me to read because it’s a book intended for GenX women working through mid-life crisis. I may be the right age, but I’m not a woman and I don’t think I’m currently experiencing anything…
The Rules of Contagion by Adam Kucharski
While my intention wasn’t to purchase a book about pandemics and how they spread during a pandemic, that’s how 2020 happened. I had ordered this book just before COVID-19 became a thing to worry about in Canada and it came while we were in full swing of being worried about how COVID-19 would treat Canada.…
Learn about the business of writing in Scratch
A big part of what most of us do day to day is write. We write emails, and memos and in my case blog posts about books that are about the business of writing. If you can take the leap to think about yourself as a writer, then Scratch is a book about the business…
Little Bets by Peter Sims
I’m sure we all feel like we have a great idea inside us. Something that’s waiting to come out given the right circumstances. In fact I believe this is true for most of us, but the risks we think we have to take to make this idea a reality make it seem like an impossible…