Category: Links of Interest

  • Which social media channels should you use to market your business?


    While we don’t see a new social media channel weekly anymore, we do see new options pop up a number of times a year. Should you rush to use them as they come out? Should you wait? How long should you wait to join the latest greatest all singing all dancing social channel?

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  • Who do you write for in your marketing material?


    You know you should be putting out content regularly to get in front of your clients but what about writing for your colleagues? Is it worth it? What’s the biggest trap people fall in to when they generate content for their sites or for guest posts? Watch today to find out.

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  • Being okay with boredom increases productivity


    It’s clearly a great use of your time to read a bit via your phone while you’re standing in line right? I mean otherwise you’re just standing there not being productive. I’m sorry to say that you shouldn’t just be pulling that phone out every minute. You should be bored in line sometimes.

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  • How I achieve paper 0


    Despite our best efforts we still have to deal with paper. You still get receipts you can write off while your out. You still need to write things down sometimes. You need a way to track all those pieces of paper. Today I’m talking about how I deal with the paper that comes in to…

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  • Don’t just look for ‘any benefit’ when you’re choosing tools


    It’s so easy to see some new web ‘thing’ come along and think it’s awesome. Sure there is some utility but is there really enough benefit to offset the bad things that come along with it?

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  • What does a good review and goal planning process look like?


    The weekly review is a key part to an effective productivity system. When I’ve tracked my productivity I’ve seen a 15 – 20% drop in what I get done in a week if I miss my weekly review. Today I’m going to tell you what my quarterly, weekly, and daily review process looks like.

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  • GTD, Zeigarnick open loops and Pomodoro


    I know you want to be productive, actually a better word is effective. I say effective and NOT productive because you could productively do work that you shouldn’t have been doing in the first place. Effective is doing well the work that you should be doing. Today I’m going to talk about GTD, Zeigarnik effect,…

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  • The Questions you need answered before you get on the phone with a prospect


    There are a few questions you need answered before you even get on the phone with a prospect. This is all part of vetting prospects to make sure they fit your ideal client profile. Watch today’s episode to hear what my required questions are. Why I require my initial questions answered Effective Client Email

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  • The Big Bad Budget Question


    This is the question that strikes fear in to many consultants. I get’s down to the core of any feelings they have about being an imposter. It’s the question: “So how much do you have to spend on this?” You shouldn’t be afraid to ask this watch today’s episode to find out why.

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  • That wasn’t a question the prospect asked


    “Huh, that’s expensive” “I didn’t realize it would take that long” “Well that’s an interesting contract” I’m sure you’ve heard statements like that from clients. Note those are statements not questions but we often treat them as questions. Watch today’s episode to see how to deal with non-questions.

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