Category: Links of Interest

  • The only system you need to start consulting


    When you’re just getting started you read about all the invoicing systems and CRM tools that established consultants use and you think you must get them to launch your business. Then you look at the price tag of all of those systems and you have a hollow feeling in the pit of your stomach. The…

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  • Why I’m using 2 Systems for my task management


    I said on Tuesday that I use 2 productivity systems. I use Redbooth for client work and Todoist for personal non-collaborative stuff. I do that because in Redbooth people can assign things to me that they think are important for my day and that’s just like email. The night before I decide what tasks are…

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  • What do you do when you hear NO to a proposal


    First remember that this is not a judgement of your personal worth. The first job now is to find out why if you can. Maybe the why will help you land work with them in the future since you won’t make the same mistake. Maybe you’ll find out that you were really just a price…

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  • These things NEVER go in a proposal


    A proposal is not a negotiation document. It’s not a place where you indicate gifts or incentives may come to the buyer. Don’t stick a bunch of charts in the proposal they’re just going to make the proposal hard to understand. A proposal is not a place for a detailed list of deliverables. A simple…

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  • Want to earn more, offer options in your proposals


    I hope you don’t just send a prospect a single price in a proposal and then hope they say yes. Not sending options is going to cut your earnings and gives your prospects a binary decision. They can only say yes or no. If you take just a bit more time and dig just a…

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  • Stop wasting time by sending proposals to the wrong people


    You may think that sending proposals to anyone that asks is a good thing. That volume will win the day and be reflected in your income. But you’d be wrong. A proposal is for a single person in an organization and only that one person. Watch today’s video to find out who all the wrong…

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  • Want to win proposals, don’t make these 2 mistakes


    We all want to win the proposals we send but it doesn’t happen. Here are 2 reasons that you don’t win proposals. 1. You never talked to the buyer You just talked to the peon that got sent out to collect proposals and they really don’t know what the economic value is of the project.…

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  • Staying in business thanks to Contactually


    I know you’re opening up presents right now, or trying to imbibe as much coffee as possible because your kids got you up crazy early and are running around like maniacs. In the midst of this I want to talk to you today about Contactually and how I use it. Contactually is the backbone of…

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  • How to close a project that hasn’t gone well


    I hate to say it, but some projects are just going to tank. You’ll miss a deadline and then it will be continual catch up while other new projects load up on your back. You’ll be playing catch up for months and you’ll hate it. Your client is going to be angry (with good reason).…

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  • 4 Tips for having hard conversations with clients


    Hard conversations are going to happen in your business. You’re going to miss a deadline or your client is going to ask for stuff you feel is clearly outside of scope. The budget is going to need to increase. The specifics are going to change, but the fact remains that at some point in many…

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