Category: Member Posts

  • The Ability to Read is a Superpower


    Today we talk about the power of focused attention and how many jobs don’t let us have any time to focus our attention on the work they are theoretically paying us to do. To become a member sign up. Members get all my book notes and courses..

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  • You don’t need purpose if the task fills your mind


    Hey this is usually a members post. Members get all my book notes, and courses when they become members. You should become a member too. From Derek Sivers as he speaks about people searching for their “purposes” or “passion”. When we’re actually engaged in the flow of fascinating work, we don’t think in these terms.…

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  • Some Books that Show how Lame AI Is


    Today we talk about the AI hype cycle and how bad AI really is when someone tries to make it fail. Plus, VC’s want you to believe their hype so they make money, that’s why we’re hearing about AI. To read the whole post become a member. Members get all my courses..

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  • On US Turkey Day I was a Productive Canadian


    On US Turkey day I worked lots at hard to understand high risk projects for work and at the end of the day felt like I had energy to spare. This contrasts with regular weeks when I feel spent. Today we talk about some ideas about what causes burnout…it may not be doing too much.…

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  • Overwork is a Systematic Issue – Member Update Nov 25 2023


    The world around us wants us to believe that it’s our fault we feel overworked. If we just watch one more video from the currently hot productivity guru, we’ll be able to tame our task lists. Today we’ll talk about how the system built around us is built to overwork us, and make it think…

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  • More Member Features Added – Nov 17 2023 Member Update


    Today we’re keeping it short and we’re updating on some of the features that members get access to. We’ll start with an issue that stopping course supporter members from getting access to my courses. I was made aware of a bug in the membership access code yesterday that means you didn’t have access to the…

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  • The Ad Based Internet is Dying – But You Can’t Afford Subscriptions


    Today we discuss how the Internet will slowly stop being so “free” and we’ll have to start paying for stuff because ads just don’t work. If you want to read this post become a member..

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  • Jason Bourne – What if MK Ultra Worked


    This is usually a members only post. To get all my notes on reading and research, along with my RAW book notes, become a member I watched the first 3 instalments in the Jason Bourne movies this week and generally enjoyed Matt Damon running around beating people up while he discovered his “past” as David…

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  • Are People More Racist or More Afraid?


    Are people really more racist now, or are they so afraid that the scraps capitalism has left for them are going to be shared to widely? Do they target those they consider defenseless because they know the rich operate under a different set of rules? Today we dig into some thoughts from How to Destroy…

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  • Memeber Reads Oct 21 2023


    Neil Gaiman writes the introduction to my 60th Anniversary copy of Fahrenheit 451, and proposes that there are three phrases that make it possible to write about the world of the future. What if… If only… If this goes on… Today we investigate the last question, what will our world look like if this goes…

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