Category: Programming

  • How to Access Synology in Fedoras Terminal


    I had to move a bunch of files over from macOS to my Framework laptop, including a bunch of node stuff that just wasn’t copying via the standard file browser in Fedora 37. This means I turned to rsync which will just work to copy any amount of files, and can resume itself. Where is…

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  • This is why NPM is terrifying


    When you update an NPM package and it starts deleting files on your computer it’s a bad day. I actually dislike NPM and hugely complex build processes. The more complex it is the more likely it is to break and then require rewriting from scratch. Keep any build process simple. Use as little as possible.

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  • 2 Ways to Restrict Access to a WP Engine Staging Site

    2 Ways to Restrict Access to a WP Engine Staging Site


    While I develop locally, I also need to show off new work to clients before it gets approved and pushed to a live site and that means I need a staging site that is accessible on the web to my clients. That site is also accessible to everyone else that is using the web, which…

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  • WordPress Spinners – I swear I’ve been doing this for more than 10 years


    Sure I’ve been building WordPress sites since 2008 but today I found out about the spinner class in the WordPress admin, mostly because I figured that WordPress had something to do AJAX related spinners so a user had some idea that stuff was happening. <span class=”spinner”></span> That’s all it takes to get a spinner in…

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  • git switch = mind blown


    As I’m sure many developers do, I was just looking up how to pull a remote branch local because it’s always a few commands with some flags. But not anymore. Git added the `switch` command which does it all in one shot. If you have a remote branch called `feature/cool-stuff` and want to pull it…

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  • WordPress is so noisy


    > Like I said in my original post, WordPress and other platforms always made me feel like they wanted me to use them to do so much more than blogging. “Hey, want to install Jetpack!” “Hey, there are 16,000 plugins you might like, and 4 of them have updates you should install now!” “Do you…

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  • Tackling hard code over the long term


    Been tackling a hard code problem that requires a deep understanding of the way that a service renews and flags users as renewed. The time of the day this happens matters. How the specific user data is stored matters. The extra hard part is I keep having to take a week or two away from…

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  • Price Calculator for WooCommerce Teams


    My client wanted to show the total price of a multi seat purchase for WooCommerce Teams directly on the page. I thought it would be easy, and then found [this starting code]( I could use to get myself going. It worked out of the box, but didn’t calculate the total price properly since you start…

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  • Work Journal – Stopping Two Calls in Short Order for The Same Data to an External API


    I have a scenario where I need to flag a user on an external API when order status changes. This currently works but we also need to flag them with the same flag if users are granted a complimentary membership/subscription inside WooCommerce Subscriptions. Investigating how to ensure we don’t hit that external API twice, once…

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  • Migrated to Statamic V3


    You may have noticed that the look of this site totally changed over the weekend, or maybe you didn’t. My site is now running [Statamic V3]( under the hood instead of V2. The upgrade process was relatively painless when I ran it locally via Laravel Valet. I had a bit more trouble when I tried…

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