Category: Random
Awesome Thoughts on JetPack
I don’t post much about WordPress here anymore but this post on JetPack is right on the money. I use JetPack and have all the same thoughts as Brian. Not much else to say really, read his post for my view.
Stay in Touch with What Your Users are Using
Good story about errors cropping up because the developer wasn’t in touch with what his users were using. Like most folks in the developer community, it’s been years since I last used Internet Explorer as my daily browser. Oh sure, we all keep copies around for web development work, but Firefox, Chrome, and Safari now…
RadioShack Nissan Trek – A Team in Deep Trouble
So the latest news regarding RSNT (RadioShack Nissan Trek) is that [Frank Schleck had an Adverse Analytical Finding][find] (legalese for possible doping). No the B sample hasn’t been tested and there may be [more to it than we think][cyctips], but the headlines read Frank Schleck was caught doping. No matter what happens with Frank (and…
Thinking About WordCamp’s and WordCamp SF
[Technosailor][tech] just posted a great article surrounding [his thoughts on WordCamp SF and WordCamp Central][sf]. It’s a well reasoned post about some of the ways that WordCamp’s in general and WordCamp SF get treated differently. There are growing pains right now with how things are treated, I’ve seen some first hand (in the form of…
Interested in a Standing Desk?
I had a standing desk for a bit. One week I had such leg pain that I simply couldn’t sit so I hacked together a bunch of books to prop up my keyboard and monitor in to something that was workable. When I purchase a totally new office, I did not go to a standing…
Smarter iPad Stand
Finally found a Kickstarter project I thought was worth backing the Smarter Stand. It’s really simple, 2 plastic clips stop segments of you iPad Smart Cover from folding. I totally agree with the video. The smart cover is great for typing, and the 80˚ setting is almost entirely useless. It’s already fully funded so I…
Tips to Make the Customer on Your Lowest Plans Cost Less
It certainly came to no surprise to me that the customers who give you the least money cost you the most. The article refers to customers that choose the cheapest option for your subscription service/product. In my experience this also extends to the lowest paying projects for a contractor as well. If you have a…
Shawn Blanc – 50 Things About Blogging
Been a member of Shawn Blanc’s site since he introduced it. Today he posted 50 things he learned about blogging to celebrate the 5 year anniversary of his blog last week. These two made me laugh. Send short emails Send shorter emails than that Probably the item I’m most working on is: Inbox zero means…
Apple and Microsoft on the same side for tablets?
A great article from Shawn Blanc about MS and Apple having a bunch of the same goals with their tablets. They both want you to move past the thought that a tablet is for strictly consumption and it to a world where it’s your primary tool all the time. Yes that means even for creating…
Surfacing Old Content
For a while I’ve been working to surface some of by old content. I think that there are lots of articles of quality that just get lost as they get pushed back in time by new writing. While this article has a bunch of great ideas there are a few that I hate. So my…