The Second Mountain by David Books
If you’ve ever felt like you’re living a life that’s missing some sort of purpose, outside of enriching yourself financially, then David Brooks has written The Second Mountain for you. Brooks defines the first life of living mostly for yourself and focused on your own individualism and personal desires as the **First Mountain**[^1]. To Brooks…
The Apple Magic Keyboard Isn’t Worth $349 – Yet
As we get more feedback on the new Apple Magic Keyboard for iPad Pro I’m getting more interested in purchasing it. On one hand the keyboard looks to be one of the best keyboards if you’re working mobile with your iPad Pro. On the other hand…$349 USD[^1] for a keyboard is a huge investment. Today…
Use Obsidian to Take Notes on Books
When I read something I want to make sure that I understand it. For a long time now I’ve been keeping physical notebooks to go with the non-fiction that I read. I think that the requirement to write down anything important in a book is a great filter because if it’s too much work to…
Migrated to Statamic V3
You may have noticed that the look of this site totally changed over the weekend, or maybe you didn’t. My site is now running [Statamic V3]( under the hood instead of V2. The upgrade process was relatively painless when I ran it locally via Laravel Valet. I had a bit more trouble when I tried…
You Can’t Fill Your Bank Account, or Your Love Account – Friday Notes 106
Does your bank account ever get ‘too full’? Like you have to open another account so you can keep depositing money? Of course not, that’s silly. You know what else doesn’t get too full? The ‘love’ account your kids or spouse or partner has. The worst thing that can happen is that you fill them…
The End of Average by Todd Rose
At many points in our lives we are graded against the average[^2]. In fact, the entire process of school is you being graded against the average. But the truth is that the middle of all the variance that’s being measure is a big hole that no one fits in any way resembling perfection. The outcome…
Usage – Monitor Your iPad
Something that many macOS users run is iStat Menus, which lets them do some fine grained monitoring of their Mac from the menu bar. Until recently this type of thing wasn’t available for iPadOS, at least not in any way that looked decent. Today we’re going to take a brief look at Usage for iPadOS,…
Refactor or Nuke and Pave? Work Journal 09-06-2020
This is some of the coding work and thoughts I looked at today. If you’re interested in WooCommerce Membership Sites [email me](mailto:[email protected]) ## Should You Refactor old SCSS or Nuke and Pave Been working on a site for about 9 years and we’ve done a bit of nuke and pave, but mostly just kept working…
Unread 2 – My Favourite iPad RSS Client
Over the last number of weeks I’ve looked a number of RSS clients for your iPad. Today is the day I’m going to choose a winner out of the contenders. ## RSS Client Criteria The primary task on for an RSS client is reading, so if it doesn’t have an interface that presents words in…
How to Do Nothing With Jenny Odell
Nothing is harder to do than nothing. In a world where our value is determined by our productivity, many of us find our every last minute captured, optimized, or appropriated as a financial resource but the technologies we use daily. we submit our free time to numerical evaluation, interact with algorithmic versions of each other,…