Paper Planners or Drowning in Apps?
I use a paper planner for my personal needs. There is no digital tool for managing internal projects it’s all on paper. The only digital tools I use are for collaborating with clients and to manage my appointments so I don’t have to check and wrangle email. Even then, all appointments make it back into…
How to Get the “right stuff”
You should never wait to pursue a dream or add value out of fear that you lack the “right stuff.” High Performance happens because of what you deliberately think and do on a routine basis in order to excel and serve at higher levels. – High Performance Habits I started writing WordPress tutorials as soon…
Don’t join the pity party
Since human beings are inherently social, our brains naturally and unconsciously mimic the moods of those around us, particularly people we spend a great deal of time with. This process is called neuronal mirroring, and it’s the basis for our ability to feel empathy. The flip side, however, is that it makes complaining a lot…
Tips from 2 Brian’s on Marketing your product
If you’re wondering how to market your product in the WordPress space the Brian’s have you covered in this podcast. In fact this stretches to any product. Marketing and positioning WordPress Products
Short Masters Level on Reaching Your Audience by @waitbutwhy
This whole post is awesome, but if I had to pick one section to read it would be the middle where Urban talks about pinpointing where you fall in knowledge on a topic and where your reader falls. First, find yourself on the scale before digging into a complex idea. And The second person to…
It’s time to stop being bland, to stop sucking
Your bland. Heck I’ve been bland. I’ve been watering down my content even when I’ve said that I won’t water it down anymore. Today I’m going to talk about how you stop watering down your content and why you should wear yourself out there where your customers can see it.
If You’re Overworked and Overloaded, implement a pull based system
Work-life balance. The elusive word/idea/thing that we strive for. What does it mean to be “balanced” in work and life? Does it mean that we spend 8 hours working and 8 hours with family every day? Does it mean that we spend all our time working and then create some epic trip or event to…
Hard Challenges Provide Value, Are You Solving Hard Problems?
Effectiveness in life does not come from focusing on what is automatic, easy, or natural for us. Rather, it is the result of how we consciously strive to meet life’s harder challenges, grow beyond our comforts, and deliberately work to overcome our biases and preferences, so that we may understand, love, serve, and lead others.…
Are you the jerk that works all night and breaks the project?
Until about ten years ago, we admired those who could survive on only four hours of sleep and those stalwarts who worked through the night. They were heroes, people whose fierce devotion and commitment revealed everyone else’s fecklessness and frailty. Then, as sleep science reached the mainstream, we began to change our attitude. That sleepless…
@pjrvs on the cost of opportunities
Whether taking the opportunity is beneficial or not, there’s always a price. It’s our job to decide whether or not the price is worth it. How will it benefit us, our business, or brand, or long-term relationship with our customers or clients? – The true cost of an amazing opportunity This is why no is…