Matt Medeiros on Marketing and the WordPress industry ‘dip’
Had a great conversation with Matt Medeiros. We talked about what it was like to move from small clients to larger clients and then maybe to a spot that he doesn’t want to be with even larger clients. Matt also talks about the ‘dip’ he sees in the WordPress world and what you may do…
The 7 questions you need to ask to write an effective case study
Case studies are one of the most powerful things you can add to your site to really get prospects motivated to work with you. But few people utilize them. Even fewer have good ones, because writing good case studies can be hard. I did say ‘write,’ and while written case studies are good, I think…
Marketing is…hard. And you never signed up for it.
There you were, working away building sites, and one day you realized you were pretty good. Good enough that you should be doing this for yourself instead of letting someone else enjoy all the profits. So you started a business, and then reality hit. Running a business meant you needed to convince people to pay…
How to follow up with prospects with Donald Kelly
You can’t just leave prospects out in the cold. You need to have a great follow up process for them. Today Donald Kelly and I talk about what a good follow up process looks like. Donalds show on follow up
Here are 4 ways to make offline marketing easy
I’m totally a digital person. Right now I’m writing at my kitchen table while my kids watch some TV. I’ve spent months travelling to see family for Christmas or spent the summer in other parts of the country, with no real change in my business. I’m able to keep my business going because most of…
You need a plan to follow up with prospects–here is mine
If you want to win work, you need to be proactive about keeping tabs on your leads. Sure, the prospect has a problem and you can likely solve it, but so can others. Sometimes things come up for your prospect, say a death in the family. When life happens the project may take a back…
Social Media Marketing for Freelancers with Mojca Mars
Today’s show is with Mojca Marš of Super Spice Media. We’re going to talk about how to use Social Media in advertising your services. We’ll also touch on a bit about how to decide which social media networks to use for your services. What type of marketing works for Freelancers? Why Facebook and not other…
Keep the negative away by Broadcasting Happiness
Ugh. Who watches the news anymore? If you do, you’re going to get a solid dose of everything that’s wrong with the world. News thrives on eyeballs and tragedy draws the eyeballs. Yet in the midst of all of this gloom and doom, we encounter Broadcasting Happiness by Michelle Gielan, a former top newscaster turned…
It’s crucial to market to the right people. Here’s how to figure out who they are.
In The Brain Audit, author Sean D’Souza talks about your target profile and how crucial it is when you’re doing any type of marketing. Target profile is simply the factor of choosing one person. Not an entire audience. But one solitary person. And then crafting your message to that one person. – The Brain Audit…
Here are 3 fears in picking a niche, and why they are unfounded
So you hear that you should choose a niche and you have even worked through the questions I sent your way. You’ve got a niche that you want to start targeting and yet you’re still not doing it. Why not? Check out these 5 Questions to help you find your niche