How does my tracked time match with my plan?
I’ve said before that billing by the hour is a bad idea. It allows your client to save money by insisting tasks should take less time. Therefore, if you want to earn more, then tasks need to take longer. While billing by the hour is a bad idea, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t track your…
Why productive people embrace constraints
The biggest problem with digital tools is their lack of constraints. If you use OmniFocus you can put 10,000 things in your inbox. It gets to a point where you never look because you know there is so much there you never want to see. Today I’m going to talk about how I embrace paper…
Will You Become The Master You Aspire To Be
Remember when you started driving and everything felt like it was happening so fast? Remember that first time you got on the highway and went 100 km an hour? It felt like so much was going on at once. You tried to watch the speed of the car and make sure that you didn’t run…
Want a successful business? Make sure you answer these 10 questions first.
The life of entrepreneurship can, from the outside, look like a bed of roses. Yes, today I started work at 9 a.m. and read for two hours, then wrote for two hours, and am now writing more at 2:30 p.m., sitting in the living room watching my kids play in the snow. But that’s my…
Is Your Warranty Actually Worth Anything
There is a roofing company in Chilliwack that says they have a warranty. They use lots of fluffy language to talk about how awesome their warranty is, but the truth is, they have no warranty. See every time there is any problem with your roof, they take months to come see it and there is…
Tips to find that elusive Margin in our lives
We’ve had a winter here with rare amounts of snow in Chilliwack, BC. In an area that might see one snow day in a year, we’ve had three this week and at least three around Christmas time. That’s meant I’ve pushed people out of the roads that aren’t plowed. I’ve shoveled for neighbours that aren’t…
Its Time To Let Your Business Suffer
Before Christmas I pre-sold Finding and Marketing to Your Niche and I had grande plans for how I’d treat my amazing pre-sale purchasers. They’d be getting regular emails from day one. They’d love me and angels would sing. There were probably unicorn tears in there somewhere as well. All of those plans went out the…
Your Site Is Pretty And Thats About It
If you’re site says things like: Premium WordPress Consulting or A Genuinely Nice and Totally Awesome Agency or Business focesed WordPress Development You say absolutely nothing. I mean who’s ever going to say the opposite like “We’re not nice and we’re a terrible agency”? That’s right no one. Today we’re going to talk about what…
Why being naked with your clients is exactly what you want to do
Let me begin by issuing a warning before I dive into my latest book review. Don’t just go to Amazon and search “Getting Naked”. Oh sure, you’re going to get the right book, but you’ll also get a bunch of other stuff you didn’t expect or want to see. Outside of that, I give Getting…
4 Questions to Disruption-Proof Your Business
Hundreds of years ago aluminum was the most precious metal. If you visited a king and were really important you got the aluminum dishes. Gold or silver dishes were for those less important. All that changed when new ways to get aluminum out of the ground were invented. With a fairly quick swoop, aluminum went…