Don’t participate in the culture of easy answers
We live in a culture of easy answers. We’re drawn to a blog post titled, “5 Tips to Solve Every Problem You Have in 5 Seconds” truly believing that this fantastic claim could possibly hold any truth. We figure that by using these tips we’ll suddenly gain the same level of success as the author.…
How to start running effective meetings today
If you’re still in a job and looking to get out working for yourself, one of the best things you can do is to start running better meetings. In almost every company someone can call a meeting with 10 people that costs over $1,000/hour but would never actually spend $1,000 of company money. Then on…
The best time to become a great consultant is when you still have a job
I know you want to leave that job as fast as possible, but don’t. Don’t miss the opportunity to start being a better employee and practice being a good consultant. There is no better place to practice.
How shallow thinking harms our ability to be productive and learn: The Shallows by Nicholas Carr
How is the Internet and social media changing our brains? Is this change for the better? Will the changes in our brains from today’s digital media help or hinder our long-term success in life and our ability to learn? Where Deep Work tried to answer these questions and provide a path towards getting focused attention…
Want to get the most out of your learning? Adopt these 3 rules
How many PDF books have you bought? How many online courses that will help you market better or build your email list or…whatever? How many have you completed? I know I have a huge notebook in Evernote full of PDF books I’ve purchased over the years. I’ve never read these books and quite likely won’t…
How much should you spend improving your business?
I’ve talked a decent bit about training this month so that you can get maximum benefit from your efforts. How much should you be spending on your training? Are there any rules for purchasing online courses?
If you want success you need to move past theory
When you’re starting in any field basic literacy is a must. As a designer you need to learn to operate Photoshop, use grids, good typography rules, and many other things. Programmers need to learn the basics of their chosen language and the basics of version control. Then it’s time to stop with the theory and…
Want a successful business? Make sure you’re doing this 1 thing
You didn’t start your business to be a failure. That would be a silly reason to start a business, but at least it would be easy to achieve. No, you started your business for some great reason — like freedom. Maybe you told yourself you wanted more money but what you really wanted was the…
Are conferences and networking events worth your time?
Are conferences and networking events worth your time? How do you make them worth your time? Yes, but how do you make them so?
The 2 errors you make reading for self-improvement
Clearly I’m an avid reader and I attribute some of my success to the books that I’ve read. If you look around here you’ll find book lists for running an awesome business, productivity, and a whole host of book reviews. I believe that you’re going to be more successful in business faster if you take…