Learn to Triumph Over Trials: The Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday
Our actions may be impeded…but there can be no impeding our intentions or dispositions. Because we can accommodate and adapt. The mind adapts and converts to its own purposes the obstacle to our acting. – Marcus Aurelius from The Obstacle is the Way Right in the preface of The Obstacle is the Way author Ryan…
Focus, Purpose and the Tools You Use
I find it both sad and interesting that the most viewed posts on my site are the ones where I compare different software tools or do a detailed review of a software tool. It’s great because it helps me reach more people with my content but sad because this is a symptom of a bigger…
Don’t just look for ‘any benefit’ when you’re choosing tools
It’s so easy to see some new web ‘thing’ come along and think it’s awesome. Sure there is some utility but is there really enough benefit to offset the bad things that come along with it?
Looking death in the face and its effect on purpose
I’ve been thinking lots about purpose lately as something inside quests for my purpose. Above my desk are four Post-it notes with the following messages: My business will let me spend much of my time traveling and being in the wilderness I need a one-to-many business model and to cut my Internet days down to…
The ways you let communication ruin your life
The online world is amazing. Every week we get new awesome tools that can make our lives better. From dropping email and using instant communication methods like Slack, to automating parts of our lives with services like Zapier. There is so much to be thankful for and amazed by online. There is also a subtle…
What does a good review and goal planning process look like?
The weekly review is a key part to an effective productivity system. When I’ve tracked my productivity I’ve seen a 15 – 20% drop in what I get done in a week if I miss my weekly review. Today I’m going to tell you what my quarterly, weekly, and daily review process looks like.
Accomplish more of worth and suffer from less distraction: Deep Work by Cal Newport
Sure, Slack is great. So is Twitter, and Facebook. I loved it when OSX added iMessage as a core part of their operating system, giving us the ability to send and receive messages. With all of these things added to my life at no point did I realize how lean I was slicing my time.…
What does a good productivity system look like?
I know you want to find the right tool to get your job done. That one magical thing that fits your mode of working and suddenly you’re getting all your tasks done all the time. In this quest we all end up searching around trying whatever new thing shines the brightest. Each of these options…
GTD, Zeigarnick open loops and Pomodoro
I know you want to be productive, actually a better word is effective. I say effective and NOT productive because you could productively do work that you shouldn’t have been doing in the first place. Effective is doing well the work that you should be doing. Today I’m going to talk about GTD, Zeigarnik effect,…
Fighting Resistance and Listening to your Muse: The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
The War of Art by Steven Pressfield is an oft-cited book for any ‘artist’ to read. While Pressfield mainly talks about a more typical artist in the book (painter, sculptor, writer…) I extend this to anyone doing creative work. Even those writing code. In The War of Art, Pressfield attempts to address the invisible force…