5 Sanity Tips for the Overworked Consultant
Are you feeling burnt out today? Is freelancing taking it’s toll on you? Are you questioning why on earth you ever thought you were cut out for freelancing? That Friday Check (or cheque for my Canadian readers) It was a Friday in my first year of freelancing and it was pay day, just like every…
Extra project pricing considerations
The thing that really used to kill me on flat rate projects was project management time. One client would take little hand holding, but I’d have charged a lot. Then the next client would want me on the phone daily and I’d have charged too little. It seemed like something I almost never got right.…
Answering Questions about Weekly Pricing
Yesterday I talked about how I think you should price your services. Weekly pricing rocks and long ago I wrote about why it rocks. On episode 97 of the Freelancer’s Show I answered question on weekly pricing from my co-hosts. I think that you should go listen to the episode but I’m going to hit…
Project Price Anchoring
It’s great to say that you charge $3000/wk or even $10,000/wk but how on earth do you actually justify that to a client? What makes your customer think that paying for your services is worthwhile? Price Anchoring First we need to understand what price anchoring is. We’ll start by seeing what Wikipedia has to say.…
Dealing with price dickering
One of the huge annoyances service providers encounter when they start talking pricing with clients is when the client asks you to provide the service for less. You say you can do a job for $1500 and the next question out of the client’s mouth is: How about doing it for $1000. Yeah great way…
How should I price my services?
Our first post in the Pricing Series talked about all the different methods you could use to price your services. Yesterday I talked about how your speed at something shouldn’t affect your pricing (which is why hourly is a big bag of suck). Today I’m going to talk about the 2 pricing methods I use…
Speed and Pricing
When you start any type of work you’re slow. When I started building WordPress themes it took me 2 weeks to get something that I’d barely say is halfway passable (looking back at it now). Now that I’ve been building themes for 5 years I can build a basic theme that would pass all of…
The Definitive Guide to Freelance Pricing
Pricing is damn hard. If anyone tells you they have it all figured out ask them again in 6 months and it’s likely they’re doing something just a bit different then last time you talked to them. I get asked about pricing all the time and to start our Pricing Series we’re going to take…
5 ways to get more business when you think it’s time to quit freelancing
I’d love to tell you that every month of running my own business is roses but I’d be lying. The fact is that there are some months when income is low and I seriously question whether I’m any good at my job. I know from talking to other freelancers that they feel the same way…
My billing method is a time management tool
One of the reasons I love weekly billing is that it’s so easy to overbook yourself with other billing methods. When I work hourly I continually ‘manufactured’ hours simply because I figured I could find time to get things done. That left me over committed all the time. There was no margin in my days.…