Most People use the Native Twitter Client Anyway
I’ve talked more than once about Twitter restricting it’s API. Sure most people I know don’t use the native Twitter clients, but most people I know easily qualify as power users of pretty much anything they use. It seems that the general Twitter user uses Twitter’s apps or the website. Twitter has these stats as…
Twitter, Not Only Screwing Around with Their API
So not only is Twitter screwing around with user data through their API, they’re getting in to censorship now. The article on The Huffington Post has more detail. Ultimately, the email address was public. Saying it’s not is like saying my email is not public (see my contact page). NBC just through some weight around…
Here Goes Twitter Screwing Around
[As I talked about][talk] a while ago, Twitter is starting to get jealous with its data and API. Just recently the gave [Instagram the shaft][inst] by shutting it out of the API which allows Instagram users to find other Twitter friends. While I can certainly see that Instagram is a heavy user of the API…
Awesome Thoughts on JetPack
I don’t post much about WordPress here anymore but this post on JetPack is right on the money. I use JetPack and have all the same thoughts as Brian. Not much else to say really, read his post for my view.
Say No
The most important thing you can do to manage your time is to say NO. Most freelancer’s I know don’t say no to almost any project. This means they end up not having time to do the work they want. I bet if you take a look how you spend your time during the average…
Stay in Touch with What Your Users are Using
Good story about errors cropping up because the developer wasn’t in touch with what his users were using. Like most folks in the developer community, it’s been years since I last used Internet Explorer as my daily browser. Oh sure, we all keep copies around for web development work, but Firefox, Chrome, and Safari now…
Sparrow was Purchased
In what is entirely a talent acquisition ([they say as much][much]) [Sparrow was purchase by Google][purch]. Marco Arment [has a great post][talent] on talent acquisitions. Without a doubt most products and people are for sale for the right price. Marco event hints that there might be a price at which his team of one is…
What Metric Makes a Site Successful?
As I’ve been increasing my posting frequency I’ve also been trying to work out the metrics to follow to judge if my site is being successful. By a strict visitors game, I have been increasing traffic continually, more people have been coming to my site. Even better is that my bounce rate hasn’t increased from…
Reviews in Apple’s AppStore Ecosystem
Matt Gemmell wrote a great post on whether the [AppStore should allow developers to respond to reviews][art]. I think his best suggestions to fix the issue of bad reviews, is making the developer support options way more visible. I don’t even read reviews on the AppStore anymore. I know that most of them aren’t well…
RadioShack Nissan Trek – A Team in Deep Trouble
So the latest news regarding RSNT (RadioShack Nissan Trek) is that [Frank Schleck had an Adverse Analytical Finding][find] (legalese for possible doping). No the B sample hasn’t been tested and there may be [more to it than we think][cyctips], but the headlines read Frank Schleck was caught doping. No matter what happens with Frank (and…