• Picking Projects Back Up


    We all have to stop working at some point every day, but how do we remember where we left off on the project? Today I’ve got a few tips around how I remember where I was in my code and how I keep track of all of the tabs I had open for a project.…

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  • Unified Inbox Sucks


    After some recent updates to [Sparrow][sparrow] have greatly improved the speed issues I encountered (read my [Sparrow review][sparrowreview]) I’ve been giving it a shot again and have realized that I hate having a unified inbox. It’s not so much the reading process of a unified inbox that I dislike. It’s nice to be able to…

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  • Adobe Muse – Yet Another Adobe Mistake


    Recently Adobe released Muse which is supposed to bring the world of web design to print designers. Sure I can agree that there are a lot of awesome print designers not building stuff for the web, but there are a lot of web designers not doing print work. They’re two different mediums that require specialized…

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  • Making Notes in Books – Goodreader vs Kindle


    When viewing books on the iPad there are a number of options, the two biggest being PDF with Goodreader and Kindle formatted book with the Kindle software. Today we’re going to take a look at the pros and cons of both options. ###Scenario My use case is that I want to have the books I…

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  • Reviewing WriteRoom and PlainText for iOS


    As I’ve been looking at minimal writing apps on OSX and switching over to [judicious use of text files][textlink] I’ve also been on a quest for a great iOS app to edit plain text files. Since I’m a fan on [WriteRoom][wrlink] on OSX already I figured the iOS version was worth a look as well.…

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  • Leave a Message


    Yes another rant post. After probably the fourth call from a number I dont know went to voicemail I questioned on Twitter to see if others treat their phones like me. ###Phone Etiquette I don’t answer my phone unless I know who it is (caller ID) and it is the proper time for me to…

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  • Using Omnifocus Appropriately


    For a long time I’ve been an OmniFocus user that drank the coolaid and put everything in to Omnifocus, no matter how small the idea was. Inspired by a Mac Power Users episode with Merlin Mann I’ve recently spent a bunch of time pulling information back out of OmniFocus though because it was just a…

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  • OS X Backups – A complete Solution


    I wrote about backup once before but figured it’s been long enough that it’s worth revisiting, especially since my systems has a few minor modifications. While this may seem like going too far to some home users the fact is I use my computer for business. I’ve got crucial client files on here and if…

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  • More TextMate Tricks


    While TextMate is no longer the code editor I use day to day I still end up using is at least weekly and I’ve found number of new shortcuts to make working with Textmate even faster. This is my second post about TextMate Tricks. Fold the code Sure we all know that TextMate can fold…

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  • How to Make Sure I Will Uninstall Your Plugin


    One of the first things you should do when building a WordPress theme/plugin is turn on WP_DEBUG in your wp-config.php file. Turning this on will make sure that you get notices for bad functions, deprecated items in your files…Every theme/site I build has this flag set in development (don’t set it on the production server).…

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