• Harvest Online Invoicing & Time Tracking

    Harvest Online Invoicing & Time Tracking


    I wrote a while ago about Billings and how it’s pretty okay but it’s missing a few key features that make it a half baked solution. The biggest selling point of Billings was that it doesn’t incur a monthly fee. One of the biggest issues with Billings is the crappy reporting features and I’m certainly…

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  • OmniFocus Speed Tips


    I’ve blogged about key commands and time saving tips for TextMate. Like most programmers my day is spent in my code editor primarily but I also make heavy use of OmniFocus to organize the days tasks and I hate having to grab my mouse (the keyboard is way faster). Here are some of the things…

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  • WPMU Dev – Terrible Usability


    As with much blogging this screencast is born of a rant about how WPMU Dev disrespects paying customers with their stupid WordPress admin notifications. After all the stuff that flies around about them plus the terrible usability and the long on promise short on delivery stuff regarding their plugins in their forums I’m not a…

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  • Sparrow Mail


    Today we’ll look at Sparrow Mail as a third entry in to our series of looks at email clients. If you’re interested in the other two here is a look at Mailplane and Postbox. Features Sparrow is one of the newer entries in to the OS X email market and is made by Cactuslab, a…

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  • Think Hard About App Updates


    The first thing you do when building an application is decide what it’s supposed to do, you don’t build a pretty interface then figure out what functions can fit inside that pretty interface. Once you’ve established what your application does it’s time to stick to your guns religiously. ###The Codebox Story Quite a while ago…

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  • Hyperspaces – Gives Spaces some more Options


    Spaces is one of the signature features of OS X, letting you create virtual desktops to organize your applications. The downside for some heavy users is that having lots of spaces can make figuring out where things are a bit difficult. Hyperspaces looks to solve that issue by allowing you to customize your spaces. [Hyperspaces][hyper]…

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  • June Monthly Goal 2011 Edition


    For the month of May I set a goal of 1000km of riding in the month. This month I’ve decided to up the ante a bit by going for 1000km and 10,000m of climbing. I managed to get 6700m of climbing last month. So it will be a bit of work. The reality is that…

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  • Using Delicious Bookmarks with Chrome


    Like many people today I’m a Chrome user. It’s simply faster and more stable than Firefox and all of the thing I really have to have for extensions are present in Chrome. Sure I’ve got Firefox (and all other browsers) around because I build websites for a living and need to test things but Chrome…

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  • Finding the Right Twitter Client – Echofon


    Before Twitter had their own app I tried many different options like Tweetdeck (way too busy), Heltweetica (meh), and Echofon all of which needed to be revisited when Twitter announced their new application policies. Today we’ll look at the features of Echofon. I suppose it’s also worth noting that since Twitter has made their announcement…

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  • Email with PostBox


    Email is something 99% of us do every day. Certainly if you’re an online worker (designer, programmer…) then email is a huge part of how you run your business. Gaining efficiency in your email sorting/writing/deleting can reap huge gains in overall daily productivity. The Contender In steps [Postbox](http://postbox-inc.com/ref.php?r=R8RFPKC) to help you battle the deadly time…

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