• Telus Canada and a Crappy Site


    Rant warning. Just trying to get my bill from Telus (my local ISP) and what do I find, but a site that won’t load my eBills in Chrome. It works in Firefox and [according to Telus](https://twitter.com/telussupport/status/153956173152927744) it works in IE9 but only if you use compatibility mode. Telus Canada get your head out of your…

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  • Getting a New Desk


    Over a year ago my wife and I were privileged to invite a little girl in to our lives, whome we named Eden. As we live in 2 bedroom house my office was changed in to a room for her and I moved my office in to our bedroom. In all honesty the office in…

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  • Distraction Free MacVim with Markdown


    I’ve been using MacVim as my sole code editor for almost a year now and have started to modify the stock config presented in Janus. Today with the suggestion of @matthewlang I’ve got two new items to add to my .vim configuration. VimRoom Brings distraction free writing to Vim/MacVim. One thing I really find frustrating…

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  • New Project Lauch

    New Project Lauch


    I’m reorganizing my sites and their content. I’ll be putting all my future writing on WordPress over at [WP Theme Tutorial][wpthemetut]. I’ll be covering a bunch of fairly deep topics so if you’re interested in learning more about how WordPress works and how to build projects with it go subscribe to the feed. [wpthemetut]: http://wpthemetutorial.curtisdev.ca/…

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  • Henge Dock Review


    About 6 months ago I purchased a Henge Dock for my 13” MacBook Pro and today it’s about time I give you my opinion on it. The Henge Docks are a beautiful piece of kit designed to vertically dock your Mac laptop. All of the cables route out the bottom of the dock so everything…

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  • Picking Projects Back Up


    We all have to stop working at some point every day, but how do we remember where we left off on the project? Today I’ve got a few tips around how I remember where I was in my code and how I keep track of all of the tabs I had open for a project.…

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  • Unified Inbox Sucks


    After some recent updates to [Sparrow][sparrow] have greatly improved the speed issues I encountered (read my [Sparrow review][sparrowreview]) I’ve been giving it a shot again and have realized that I hate having a unified inbox. It’s not so much the reading process of a unified inbox that I dislike. It’s nice to be able to…

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  • Adobe Muse – Yet Another Adobe Mistake


    Recently Adobe released Muse which is supposed to bring the world of web design to print designers. Sure I can agree that there are a lot of awesome print designers not building stuff for the web, but there are a lot of web designers not doing print work. They’re two different mediums that require specialized…

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  • Making Notes in Books – Goodreader vs Kindle


    When viewing books on the iPad there are a number of options, the two biggest being PDF with Goodreader and Kindle formatted book with the Kindle software. Today we’re going to take a look at the pros and cons of both options. ###Scenario My use case is that I want to have the books I…

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  • Reviewing WriteRoom and PlainText for iOS


    As I’ve been looking at minimal writing apps on OSX and switching over to [judicious use of text files][textlink] I’ve also been on a quest for a great iOS app to edit plain text files. Since I’m a fan on [WriteRoom][wrlink] on OSX already I figured the iOS version was worth a look as well.…

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