• Contribute to the Link Economy?

    Contribute to the Link Economy?


    You are reading a blog post (profound I know) and staple of blog posts is to cite other sources via links. Like when I wrote “You Might Need a Redesign if…”. In that post I linked to Niki Brown’s Ugly Website competition. So why did I do that? Well ultimately Niki had content that was…

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  • Bad Forms Provide Bad Feedback

    Bad Forms Provide Bad Feedback


    Lately I’ve been looking at my site and coming up with a few pain points that I’d like to address with some small redesigns of the site. My footer contact form (and it’s ‘contact page’ counter part) are two items I would like to address. While they aren’t bad they could definitely use some refinement.…

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  • 5 Blogs for Web Designers to Follow


    Nettuts Nettuts is part of the Envato network. Nettuts covers all sorts of web design and development. Everything from WordPress to posts on Coldfusion. Articles are well written and frequent. A List Apart Published by Happy Cog A List Apart covers all topics dealing with web design. From usability to introductions to Ruby on Rails.…

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  • Yahoo’s New Homepage and Some Problems


    The big story today seems to be the roll out of Yahoo’s new homepage. While this is very cool for Yahoo to do I still think that there are some problems with the idea. Is This What People Really Want? I’ve recently read Getting Real and while I do not agree with all of the…

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  • Twitter for Business


    Where ever you look today you see that everyone is using social media and not just in their personal lives. Look around many of the big companies are using social media as well. Some do it well some do it poorly. What is twitter for big business? It’s more than just a place to tweet…

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  • Don’t Force Your Website to Fail


    Most companies today realize they need a presence on the web. In most industries now if you don’t have a web presence of some sort you won’t have a business for long. I know one company that stocks lots of rare items for their brick and motar store because on the web it sells across…

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  • Staying in the Zone by Killing Distraction

    Staying in the Zone by Killing Distraction


    The zone is that place where things flow. Birds fly music plays. It’s cheesy, cliche and sometimes hard to come by. Really the zone is where we need to be regularly to get things done. For many of us the zone only sometimes shows its head. We struggle to find it. Love it when it…

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  • Christopherdessi.com Launched


    This was the second site I did for Chris, first was Dadzillatv. This is Chris’ personal blog on social media. Chris is seriously passionate about media and building your marketing potential. His passion comes across in his posts. For this site Chris wanted to go with Thesis as a base theme and then perform some…

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