Category: Links of Interest
Making a business niche change – Live in the Feast
Great episode of Live in the Feast talking with John Locke about his transition to SEO for manufacturing. Take note he started this over a year ago to see results. It takes time people. You will not be an overnight success.
The Distraction Free iPhone
Jake Knapp and shutting the distraction out of his iPhone which was spurred on by an honest question from his kid. “Dad, why are you looking at your phone?” He wasn’t trying to make me feel bad or anything. He was just curious. But I didn’t have a good answer. So why was I looking…
On the future book
Craig Mod writes in Wired that though we envisioned some futuristic multi-dimensional book that would just go deeper when we picked something to focus on, this book is not here. What we do have is books written in email newsletters. Books funded on Kickstarter. Books in audio format. Our Future Book is composed of email,…
On the Kindle Paperwhite
Justin Tadlock says: The second complaint I have is mostly a non-issue when you spend 99% of your time actually reading. The Kindle isn’t quite as responsive to swiping and tapping as modern cell phones and tablets. I imagine this has to do with the technology being different and geared toward the reading experience. It’s…
Software Development is Not About Code
From Mario: Software engineering is not about code. It’s about solving business problems through code deployed on top of a set of servers, running on a given operating system, interacting via the network and the like. I agree and have written about the most valuable thing you have is your ability to make decisions. If…
Rebecca Renner on 6-months of freelance writing
I think the first 2 paragraphs open this up on the right tone: I’ve always wanted to be a writer, but all of my life, people told me it wasn’t a feasible career. Man, I love proving people wrong. It does take some of that boldness to run your own business. If you’re not willing…
Embrace the pigeonhole
I just finished Steve’s book and it’s great. If you want to here him talk about niching down and why it’s important not to be a penguin, listen to this podcast.
Austin Kleon on Writing with Kids around
This is my favourite quote from the post: Lower your standards for what counts and progress, and you will be less paralyzed. – Adam Grant You don’t need to have kids to do this lowering of your standards for progress. As I’ve done more on YouTube I’m happy if I’m properly in focus and the…
Are you going to put 3-years in?
I’ve been following Matt for a while now and this short excerpt from his podcast hit me last night. If you’re going to try something new, as I’m trying out YouTube, are you willing to put 3-years into it before you judge it? You start not even knowing what you don’t know. Then you get…
A Bullet Journal is like The One Ring
Jamie Todd Rubin on his Bullet Journal: Almost at once, I saw exactly where a Bullet Journal would fill a desperately needed gap: the One Book to Rule Them All. Jamie gives us a history of his notebook usage before showing us how a Bullet Journal fills the holes he kept finding in his day.…