Category: Random
On Code Generators
Anyone out there wants to save time. Who wants to keep repeating the same mundane tasks all the time? I certainly don’t. To save myself a bunch of time I’ve built up a snippet library and a bunch of projects on Github. Why build something a second time when you don’t have to. Code Generators…
How Not to Get Work
If the missed posts on this site weren’t a giveaway, I’m really busy with work. Clients keep coming my way with budgets and cool projects. So I’ve been cautiously poking around to build a bit of a team. How Not to Get Work I work 99% with WordPress. I build themes, custom plugins, and web…
Github Streaks
With the new Github profile pages, I’ve been embarking on a contribution streak. I’ve found a few things that make it hard though. Issues with Streaks While creating an issue counts as contributing and goes towards your streak, adding a pull request to it does not. This also holds true with pull requests. Creating a…
A Command Line Hypocrite
There are a few things that I think every coder should know. A bit of Vim Really just enough to hop on a server, find the file they need, make a few edits and save. Do that all with a bit of confidence and you’re set. I don’t think that every developer should be a…
Issues with No Pull Requests
I recently started contributing to WP eCommerce. It’s only really been 2 weeks, but I’ve noticed something. Lots of issues with no pull requests. I’ve found 3 or 4 tickets from solid developers (selling premium WPEC products) that have no pull request attached. So they are mentioning an issue or complaining, but not taking the…
Giving up on iCloud Document Sync
I split my writing between my iPad (70% ish) my iPhone (10% ish) and my Mac (the rest). Doing this has meant that I need to sync my documents so that I can just work on them anywhere. Until recently I used iCloud, but that is no longer the case. Byword Crashing My distaste started…
I Turned Down 2 Book Deals
This awesome article over on had me reflecting on the 2 book offers I’ve had. Notice I’m not saying that I wrote 2 books for large publishing houses. For those of you who haven’t yet contributed to a technical book or magazine – or even some commercial blogs – what you might not realize…
Merry Christmas, or Happy Holidays
Well it’s that time of year, you know when most people take time off. Well I’m going to be taking some time off as well. Expect no posts the week of Christmas. We will be picking up again with the New Year. Have a great holiday season.
Connected to the World, But Disconnected Locally
I have some idyllic family scene in my mind. Parents are sitting and reading the paper, while kids chat and have cereal. Now dad accidentally spills his coffee and is upset about wasting a newspaper, which is now sodden. Of course today’s paper is a tablet of some sort and as I found out, that…
7 Books to Help You Learn to Write Well
Learning to write well is 1 part writing all the time, and 1 part knowing what is good writing. Reading good writers is one way to learn what you think is good writing, but it certainly doesn’t teach many of the underlying rules you should be following. With that in mind, here is my wish…