Category: Random
Elk Mountain Ride
If you’ve got limited time then ride hills or do intervals. If you’re weak climber ride hills. Well I’m both so I try to ride hills lots (well often but not as often as I’d like). I also live far enough out in the Fraser Valley of BC that I’ve either got flat or mountains.…
Does a Bike Fit Make a Difference?
As I [recently mentioned]( I got a proper bike fitting. I’ve always been an advocate of getting a proper fit on a bike while skipping it myself. I just figured after riding for 15+ years I had the bike fit fine, boy was I wrong. ### What Changed As I said in the fit we…
Fitting the Ride – Or How my Old Position Sucked
As I [mentioned recently]( I’ve been experiencing some pain on 100km+ rides and I certainly don’t want to stop riding them. Knowing that my fit job was totally a personal endeavour and thus probably not nearly as nice as it could be I set out to get a professional bike fitting and was sent to…
Beautiful Morning Ride
Oooops, totally meant to post this on Tuesday to go with the ride in question. While I’ve read Joe Friel’s blog on training for a while his recent posts on LHT tests have piqued my interest so I decided to get out and try it. I’ll admit up front that I don’t have a perfect…
Experiencing Pain
With a great sense of accomplishment I rolled in to my home after a wicked 112km ride. I enjoyed 1200m of climbing and some awesome scenery and then climbing the stairs for a much needed shower it hit, knee pain. Figuring it was really just left over tired from a long day I thought little…
Changed Ride Plans
Today’s ride was supposed to be a leg destroying climb up Elk Mountain. About 5 minutes from the door I go my first look at the mountain and realized this wasn’t going to happen since the snow line had come to almost the bottom of it over night. A quick mental check sent me out…
Riding In Seattle
I was in Seattle yesterday for a conference and took my bike because I figured I’d be able to get in an early morning ride. I took it easy this morning just because I wanted to enjoy the scenery I’m not used to. A few pictures from the ride below.
Enjoy The View
Just figured I’d share a picture from today’s ride. I am very lucky to live outside of Vanouver BC (Chilliwack actually) and have so many beautiful mountains around me. Any ride I go on has many spots that just take your breath away with their beauty. Sure I’m training but I also figure if I…
Train Where You’re Weak
We all have areas in our sport that make us cry (well at least parts we don’t look forward too) like hills, headwinds, group rides…and part of progressing as a rider is learning to love the things we hate. Typically the things we don’t like are also the things we’re not all that good at.…
Cycling Interval Workout – Race Pick Ups
This is my first season racing and I’ve found that attacks can come fast and furious. As soon as you’ve hung on through one attack someone else decides to do it again and you’ve got to go hard with little/no rest. With that in mind I’ve got a workout designed to make you go hard…