Quiet Working Stream – Monday Feb 19
Today I focused on writing my upcoming review of Feel-Good Productivity by Ali Abaal. At the end I answer a few questions from those present on the stream. The royalty free study playlist.
Nostalgia for Less Capable Computers – (Members)
This content is restricted to users that have purchased Newsletter Supporters or Course Supporters.
All About Writing from Production to Consumption – 3 Threads
This is publication is reader supported. All members get my book notes, and course supporters get all my courses and published books. Plus, members get a fairly regular extra instalment of my writing. Everyone Thinks They Can Write In an interview with Steven Pressfield some interesting ideas came up. First was Pressfield’s assertion that everyone…
macOS and 27″ 4k Screens
Matt’s quick tangent on 4k screens is right up my alley. Rewind a few years to when the Studio Display released and there was a very frustrating conversation at the time about what “real Mac users” demand from a display. There were countless podcasts and blog posts about how a 4K 27″ monitor may be…
Are we Missing the Beauty of the Web? (Members)
This content is restricted to users that have purchased Newsletter Supporters or Course Supporters.
On AI and Writing and the Smugness of Readers
If you like this writing and want to support it become a member. Members get all my book notes. AI Issues for Creators So Arc search was released recently and it seems to be like much of AI, not good for creators. All these AI tools that summarise websites steal traffic from the source. Sure,…
Apple is Speed Running Turning into a Trash Company
I’m sure someone reading this is going to say Apple has been trash for a while. I get it, you don’t like Apple, but I did up until last year. Today I read that Apple is putting another nail in their own coffin as they handicap progressive web apps (PWA) in the EU. The more…
I Want to Talk About Things I Like
From Matt: I think one of the unexpected downsides of social media over the past couple decades is how much they have become dunk machines. Yeah, positive stuff can get some traction as well, but if you want to really get people buzzing and boost those engagement numbers, you’re way better off dunking like crazy…
January 2024 Reads
In 2023 I didn’t read as much as I wanted so as a bit of a forcing function I’m planning to talk far more about the books I’m reading in 2024 starting today with a recap of what I read in January 2024. The year has started off well with 5 books read in January,…
Why Is the One Thing Always a $2k Course?
Greg has a good post on productivity culture. The fact that people believe there is a hack to everything is really the issue. Everyone wants a quick, easy fix. 5 minute abs, diet pills, a stupid morning routine — whatever it is you are trying to achieve, all these ‘hacks’ are a waste of time.…