• The Decentralized Social Network – A Nerd’s Wet Dream


    I got involved in a decent discussion about decentralized social networks on App.net this week. We were talking specifically about the Tent protocol. WTF is Tent Tent is protocol that anyone can use to communicate with any app, site, thing that supports the Tent protocol. Theoretically many services doing slightly different things could talk with…

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  • Coworking in Abbotsford


    For a while now there has been a push to get a co-working place setup in Abbotsford. I’ve seen a bunch of interest from other developers and designers in the area. As is the case with many things like this, it doesn’t seem that when SwitchCube asked for money for the first month that many…

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  • Rules of Writing


    10 great rules for writing with this one being my favourite and the hardest for me at the same time. Work on a computer that is disconnected from the ­internet. I fit writing in between building websites for clients. Sure I could disconnect for the 20 – 30 minutes I use to write an article.…

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  • Why Blogging


    Nice post by Matthew Lang on why you should blog. The whole point of this is that when you’re blogging, you’re writing. When you blog a lot, you write a lot and eventually, well hopefully, you’ll get better at it. I’m hoping that with all this blogging, I’ll become a better writer. I enjoy writing…

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  • Team Sky – Staffed by Adults


    I’ve written more than once about the troubles of RadioShack – Nissan Trek and how it seems few adults work there. I mean, airing your displeasure to the media before your talked to the other person…sounds like high school to me. Let’s take a look at another team, Sky. They’ve been hugely successful this year,…

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  • Trying to Wrangle my RSS Feeds


    I follow a lot of RSS feeds. There are a bunch for WordPress, so that I can keep up on the industry news, and any decent tutorials. Then I’ve got Cycling related news and views. I’ve found that VeloNews covers the cycling world well enough that it’s the only site I really need for cycling.…

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  • The Hackers Manifesto


    Many (probably most) of you may have read this already. It’s called the Hacker’s Manifesto and it’s a great read. I confess that I had never seen it before. I was 6 when it was written. I fit lots of the things in the list. I did decent in school when someone could keep me…

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  • Another Look at Keyboards


    A while ago I wrote about my experience with the Kinesis Freestyle keyboard. I’m still using it day in, day out and I wouldn’t trade it for anything else. If you’re not looking for an ergonomic keyboard though there are a bunch of options. The Das Keyboard is one of the more popular options, but…

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  • A Managers Job Should be to Enable Subordinates

    A Managers Job Should be to Enable Subordinates


    Recently a friend of mine on App.net (who wishes to remain unamed) was lamenting the fact that his manager wanted a list of the tasks he was to perform each day, and a second list of what tasks actually got accomplished. While I could talk about getting treated like an adult and being left alone…

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  • Are You Lying on Your Estimates?


    As a self-employeed web developer, I also have to do all my own estimates on projects. This has taught me something crucial. I’ve been pretty bad at it. In the past I’d put down things like ’10 hours for featur XX’ without actually having a break down of what feature XX looked like. This is…

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