Hypercritical on Business Models
John and Dan talk a bunch about the business model of Penny Arcade now that [they have a Kickstarter campaign on][penny]. The real interesting talk is when they discuss the fact that advertisers will pay more for access to users than users will pay for access to content. It got me thinking again about the…
Local Clients Eh?
Most of my clients are not local to me, I work for clients that are mainly in the US. Thursday Bram [proposes][art] that I might want to pitch myself for local work. Sometimes it would be nice to meet clients in person but every issue she sites, I’ve dealt with. I’ve found that local clients…
Twitter Biting the Hand that Feeds
A while ago I wrote about [Twitter as a free service][freeservice] and how I didn’t think that their current business model (media and selling Tweets) was something that most of the core users of Twitter would really be happy with. Well it seems that [Twitter will be cracking down on it’s API][verge]. True we don’t…
So Digg Got Sold
Yeah Digg got sold for way less than it was valued for years ago. I remember a time when Digg was the spot to get your article so it got out to a large audience. Then through multiple revisions it became terrible. The issue with dig was its product and customers. It’s product was the…
Getting in for a Shared Office?
So there is a [shared office][switch] space trying to get started in locally (in Abbotsford BC actually). I paid for a 5 pack of passes so that I can get out of the house every few weeks and get to know more local freelancers. Lucky me I came across this article on [making the most…
Thinking About WordCamp’s and WordCamp SF
[Technosailor][tech] just posted a great article surrounding [his thoughts on WordCamp SF and WordCamp Central][sf]. It’s a well reasoned post about some of the ways that WordCamp’s in general and WordCamp SF get treated differently. There are growing pains right now with how things are treated, I’ve seen some first hand (in the form of…
Web Writing Business Models
This week The Brooks Review (TBR) announced a [new writing business model][bmod] in the form of a paywall and [memberships][mem]. The basics of it are similar to the New York Times paywall, but TBR will be releasing all content on time delay. Since most of the content is not time sensitive (opinion pieces) it doesn’t…
Interested in a Standing Desk?
I had a standing desk for a bit. One week I had such leg pain that I simply couldn’t sit so I hacked together a bunch of books to prop up my keyboard and monitor in to something that was workable. When I purchase a totally new office, I did not go to a standing…
Vacation and a Bit More
You should know that I think it’s super important to take some time off so that you’re recharged. I mean I did write about it [here][eachday]. At least one company agrees with me, since they not only provide paid time off, they give you money to take a vacation. Now there are a few things…
Smarter iPad Stand
Finally found a Kickstarter project I thought was worth backing the Smarter Stand. It’s really simple, 2 plastic clips stop segments of you iPad Smart Cover from folding. I totally agree with the video. The smart cover is great for typing, and the 80˚ setting is almost entirely useless. It’s already fully funded so I…