• The Weigh In


    For the 2 people that actually read this, you’ll notice I’ve been silent for a bit. We recently spent 6 weeks in Ontario and I was unable to fit my stationary trainer in the car so the bike was left in BC. This means I spent 6 weeks with little/no physical activity. Sure I got…

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  • OS X CRM – Relationship by Jumsoft


    Lately I’ve been getting enough contacts that the Apple address is getting stretched outside it’s boundaries. So I’ve started to evaluate my work flow for dealing dealing with and following up on contacts for work. Current Workflow Currently for any contact I make a note in the Address Book notes field with any extra information…

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  • Using stripslashes() with Theme Options

    Using stripslashes() with Theme Options


    **Update:** This is not the right way to do this. Use WordPress functions to sanitize data. April 27, 2012 While I might be showing a bit about my PHP naivety but while working with theme options recently I found that some of my content had a just before a single quote. Now I knew it…

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  • Limiting WordPress Search to Custom Post Types

    Limiting WordPress Search to Custom Post Types


    I have now written a more extensive article on WordPress search at [WP Theme Tutorial][search]. While working with custom post types I’ve found the need a few times to search only within the custom post type. A great example would be on a list of community resources. On the resources page it would make sense…

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  • WordPress Menu UI


    Today we’ve just got a quick comment on how I think the WordPress menu UI could be improved. [podcast format=”video”]http://blip.tv/file/get/Curtismchale-CommentOnTheWordPressMenuUI686.mov[/podcast]

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  • Conditional Tags for Custom Taxonomies in WordPress

    Conditional Tags for Custom Taxonomies in WordPress


    WordPress 3.0 gave us custom taxonomies and since we’re using them regularly we’re also getting into conditional tags with our custom taxonomies. Conditional tags for taxonomies differ from conditional tags for regular categories or tags. Below is an example of using a conditional tag for the standard ‘misc’ category found in WordPress. [php] if( is_category(…

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  • Looking at Yojimbo


    Recently I gave some thoughts on Evernote. The review of Evernote was really prompted when I looked at Yojimbo and started wondering why I used Evernote instead. The first and obvious reason I’ll get out of the way now, I was on Windows and Yojimbo is OS X only so until recently I didn’t have…

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  • Building Quality WordPress Themes – Theme Unit Test

    Building Quality WordPress Themes – Theme Unit Test


    A while ago I wrote about error logging in WordPress. Today we’re going to look further at testing your theme by using the WordPress Theme Unit Test. The Theme Unit Test is really just a sample data file to download with a bunch of things for you to check on your theme. I just have…

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  • WordPress 3.1 and Post Formats

    WordPress 3.1 and Post Formats


    WordPress 3.1 is just around the corner so let’s take a quick look at one of the new features that we’ll get to take advantage of with the new version. What are Post Formats Basically post formats are little bits of meta information meant to change the display of the posts. So a link post…

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  • Review of Evernote on OS X


    I’ve been a long time Evernote user and have tried storing everything from receipts for purchases to code snippets in it. Today I figured I’d give you a quick walk through of my likes and dislikes of Evernote. The Good One of the absolutely standout features of Evernote is the text recognition on images. Seriously…

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