Obsidian 1.4.13 PSA
It’s out and it brings a security update in the installer. That means you need to go to the site and download a new copy of it to get the security fix. Get the latest version of Obsidian now.
Apple will save your life…unless you’re building its products
As usual Paris Marx has a great look at Apple, specifically some of the claims in their latest ad to get people to purchase their products. The claim that products are “net zero” is questionable: As Lloyd Alter outlines, Apple’s claims of carbon neutrality rely on emissions offsets that are coming under growing scrutiny for not really delivering the…
Research with Me – PARA Method by Tiago Forte
In today’s research session we looked at The PARA Method by Tiago Forte. When I started reading this book I was thinking of it as a PKM or Zettelkasten book, but it’s not. It’s a productivity book, a new take on some ideas from GTD and other productivity sources. When I start evaluating the book…
PKM Weekly Sept 10 2023 – Issue 087
If you get value out of this newsletter consider supporting it by becoming a member. You can either get my weekly thoughts or all my courses and my weekly thoughts. You could also purchase a course if that fits your needs better. You can get this in your inbox by signing up. Disconnect for more…
Member Reads Sept 9 2023
If you’re reading this and you’re not a member, it’s a free sample of the type of content members get weekly. Cars – More a Nightmare Than You Thought Of course we now expect Chrome (aka Google) to track you but did you know that modern cars are tracking you as well? According to the…
Some Vision Pro Excitement Feels Dystopian
While listening to The Talk Show Episode 3841 John Gruber and Michael Simmons raved about the meditation features of the upcoming Vision Pro being able to gain you some peace in the midst of a busy world. To me the excitement makes me think of the dystopian future we seem to be headed towards sometimes.…
Worker Shortage…pay them more
This week I read that the school district my children are in has a shortage of 59 teachers. Then a day later you read that another rural district in the same province didn’t have an issue with finding teachers once they started paying them more. Almost every time I see a “shortage” in workers it…
PKM Weekly Sept 3 2023 – Issue 086
If you get value out of this newsletter consider supporting it by becoming a member. You can either get my weekly thoughts or all my courses and my weekly thoughts. You could also purchase a course if that fits your needs better. You can get this in your inbox by signing up. Writing Kareem Abdul-Jabbar…
Member Reads Sept 2 2023
This week we discuss the need for a Twitter replacement, what employees want with remote work, how the purpose of hazing rituals is about breaking down your sense of bodily autonomy so that you just “go with” the terrible things others will do later, and we finish with a discussion on the “need” of companies…
Don’t Write Code So Fast
Most times when confronted with a “tricky” or new coding issue the best option is not to just start writing code figuring you have the correct path in mind. Stop and think about it. Do a bit of research. Try a bit of code and then think about how it will work out if you…