You’re Building People not Robots
Countless numbers of leaders gain much of their education from on-the-job training, where they watch and mimic the behaviors of others. This has its merits, but the serious downside is that the leaders in the making aren’t necessarily learning how their mentoring leader thinks. – Paid To Think When I was landscaping the one issue,…
That Ideal Day
I love this article detailing the ideal day where everything went right. I love it because some of it is achievable every day. You can go to bed earlier and get the rest you need. You can decide to bury your phone in your backpack, or even leave it at home, and spend time talking…
Are you refining
Thoughtful post from Scott on the process of creating taking time. I was just talking to some of my coaching students today about some new thinking told and strategies I’ve been using that have been helpful. Old Curtis would just have launched something about it. This time I’ll work through it with my clients a…
151 – Avoiding Hardship
Too many people avoid any sense of hardship in their lives. They fear they can’t handle it or that they’ll be judged or rejected. – High Performance Habits …and… Our culture today is obsessively focused on unrealistically positive expectations: Be happier. Be healthier. Be the best, better than the rest. – The Subtle Art of…
Another Great Review of So Good They Can’t Ignore You
I loved So Good They Can’t Ignore you. You can read my review of it here. Well, here is another good review of the book. Like the author, I love Deep Work and this book and almost everything Newport writes.
How You can Become a Linchpin in your Field
023 – Linchpin While not all of us aspire to being some famous person that holds the keys to success in an industry, we all dream of being indispensable. Of being someone that is a leader in a small field. Even if that niche is obscure, being the person that is the “go to” in…
On Being Alone
We need to be alone because life among other people unfolds too quickly. The pace is relentless: the jokes, the insights, the excitements. There can sometimes be enough in five minutes of social life to take up an hour of analysis. – The Need to Be Alone How much thinking time do you have in…
The Worst Thing You’ve Done
The whole interview was great, but this minute as Catherine Hoke talks about being known first for the worst thing you’ve done. I’m still thinking about it an hour later. Stop and think about the worst thing you’ve done. That time you failed or fought or … Who knows. I’d be in jail. I’m blessed…
Make Everyone Happy
Social media makes it easy to be both dissatisfied and to have a mission at the same time: Make everyone happy. – Never smooth enough — a modern addiction Timely as I’ve been doing a bit of this lately. Trying to make people that don’t matter happy. Going to stop.
Are You Interested In Documenting
Another good one today on Medium, this time about documenting the struggles we have on the way to success. Do you read more people that talk about the struggles or show off success all the time? One is a highlight reel you can’t ever compare your real life to. The other is someone on the…