Do you have some CRM recommendations?
Today I got asked about which CRM I use after the emailer read my post on Daylite. Mentioned Daylite Highrise Evernote
Logitech G930 Headphones Review
Between Skype calls, Google hangouts, podcasts and general work I use headphones a lot at my desk. There is just something about using headphones that makes me more productive. Since I use them so much I have 3 pairs of regular heaphones and 1 pair dedicated to use when I’m biking or running. Here’s a…
Bit of a Format Change
There is going to be a slight format change around here. For a while now I’ve been writing pretty much every week day and while I loved it I’ve been getting some feedback about the content which I’d like to take to heart. I’ve heard a few times that many of the posts I write…
Familiar fast and worth charging for
I was talking with a freelancer recently that takes on installing WordPress and a theme to your host. They charge $500 for the service and it’s basically an ‘install and handoff’ service. I know what you may be thinking: Who on earth would pay for that. I mean you click install on the hosts cPanel…
Mastermind Webinar Audio
A few weeks back I was asked to do a webinar by Cory Miller on Masterminds. The audio is now up for you to download and get some more information on what I think about Mastermind groups.
Bit of my blogging history
Brian and I had an exchange about our blogging histories. I figured that I’d round up some stats about my personal writing. This site (personal) My first blog post on this site was August 8 2008. It was a giveaway of some free Photoshop brushes. Since then I’ve written 664 posts. My 664 posts are…
Warning: Your Clients check you out
Part of my client vetting process is to look them up on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and other random searches online. It’s simply good practice to do that. You can learn a lot about a person from their interactions when they think no one is looking. If you think that clients aren’t doing the same then…
Identify your income cycle
When you start running your own business you are going to find that some months are awesome income wise and others are less than stellar. I’ve noticed that there is a yearly cycle in my income and I’m going to share it with you today. Yearly Cycle The biggest trend that I’ve noticed is that…
Shoe horn client communication
I love systems, they make things so much easier for me. I can track everything and keep email out of my inbox. A well used PM system is awesome. Most clients don’t like them at all but we (and I used to) force them into using it. We tell them we won’t respond to emails…
My Top 6 Reads to Exercise your Freelance Muscles
Yesterday was a great run, short but great. First run in quite a while. See it below: Not too long and it was in my new running shoes. You always run faster in new shoes or at least that’s what my 2 year old says. Today my legs are in pain. They aren’t just sore…